I loved that line.
I loved that line.
I found the episode to be heartbreaking. This story brings up a lot of emotions for me and I am not exactly enjoying the ride.
Blair Underwood most likely would turned it down it offered.
As a woman I expect this attitude, no matter what the circumstances are, what is rare men that don't behave this way.
Isn't this normal behavour.
Why are white people so much more comfortable with themes of black prejudice?
I was raised by dancers and have seem more dance than most. I hated the choreography, absolutely hated it, it was obvious and predictable and quite frankly not age appropriate the music boring and uninspired.
Grease is a terrible musical, why won't it die.
Annie was fictitious, Micheal Jackson was real. You are blind or a lier, you do see race, you just don't think it matters. There is a difference. If you lived in an environment where the majority of your environment was filled with black people, you would be more aware of your race.
It is not that funny, people actually use that argument all of the time to justify the continued use of white people portraying biblical characters.
All you need to to is stop doing things to be sorry for.
What about the fact that while the characters are fictitious, the locations are real and white people did not live in those real locations. Whitewashing biblical characters is racist. Imagine what America would be like if bible lovers embraced the fact that Jesus was not white.
Gay men and sports, there have been great strides, but this area still needs some time to catch-up. There is something about a male sports team where traditional heterosexual male behavior still flourishes, largely unchecked, that allows the environment to remain quite homophobic. It is one thing to have young gay men…
"…but him in dreadlocks selling guns just ALSO looks silly and out of place." There are quite a few young white guys that go down this road. To me is seems pretty authentic.
A double standard would be…black people enslave white people for a while, then legally beat then and rape them for a hundred years or so, then do some more unfair and abusive stuff for a few more years, then create a new form of entertainment in which hardly any white people are represented and the ones that are…
"Regina's character is pretty hard to like, any girl poorer than you just wants you for the money and all" every mother of means has had this conversation with her son. Imagine what the conversation is like when you are say someone like Prince Charles.
"I'm concerned that a 17 year old doesn't know that deodorant is a good thing (well, in American society anyway)." Don't be it is very normal. Teenage boys really stink, it is hormonal. And they really don't get it until…well you know the rest.
It is so interesting to me different peoples perspectives. I actually found all of the characters in season 1 to be very sympathetic and familiar. And I find upper middle class teens to be the most annoying and unsympathetic demographic available, the second being all teens. I am interested to see how this season…
Just curious why does this season seam more accessible to you?
No need, those shows are already free.