I have always loved Total Recall. Hard to believe that it is 25 years old. Running Man too, it is almost 30 years old.
I have always loved Total Recall. Hard to believe that it is 25 years old. Running Man too, it is almost 30 years old.
Enlightened was excellent. Good suggestion,
I have watched 99 Homes, I think it was really good and Tangerine I also really enjoyed it. I grew up in LA and always love when the flip side is depicted.
In your opinion.
I believe too that Alison has a darker secret.
I agree with you, I am stunned by the number of people on this thread that seem to think that drinking and driving is sort-of ok and that Helen is not at fault for hitting Scotty.
I love this train of thought
Unfortunately, giving an addict a job is not enough to keep their mind off of drugs, it is a much bigger problem. Cole has been helping Scotty with his issues and as many family members eventually discover is that at some point they have to stop. The addicted loved one has to take full responsibility for their actions…
I don't know why you are yelling at me, we simply don't agree on this point. I do not understand why you think I don't understand you and that if I did I would agree with you it is just not what is going to happen.'Direct responsibility" and "cause and effect" in this scenario are subjective. The law is not that is…
I wonder what the wedding party would look like in Cole's POV, I bet the guest list would be very different.
I like the romantic notion, but they could have shared a cab for the same result.
I believe that we are in agreement on this thread. At one point I do say "Legally they are all liable for leaving the scene of a crime,"
We will have to agree to disagree on this. I will say that once at trial, things are different because there is no blood alcohol in evidence. That does not make Helen innocent of the crime.
There was no end of sentence after the word drunk in my original comment. Alison's perspective is only one perspective upon which you have chosen to draw an opinion that has nothing to do with how blame and responsibility are determined in our society. Alison's perspective does not show if there was time to swerve and…
That is you opinion based upon your observations and not the law. I am not saying it is fair or reasonable, I am just explaining how it is.
The minute you get behind the wheel of a car and drive while drunk everything that happens is your fault. In addition, we don't know if she would have hit him if she was sober and focused because that is not what happened.
Helen is at fault because she was driving drunk, it really does not matter about distractions and visibility. If she has behaved responsibly and legally she would not have even been on the road and there would have been no accident.
Loved ones are known to say anything to get a person into rehab. Scotty's need to cling onto something for his sobriety is not Cole's responsibility and a clear indication that he still needs more rehab.
In Montauk. it is not only possible for everyone to be on the same road, it is highly probable as there is just one main road. But I do like your alternative version of Alison the manipulator.
I personally like the affair. I have not loved every episode, but there has been enough there to keep me going. I watched the entire season on Homeland, it was watchable and completely unmemorable, not a bad way to kill some time.