Emma Knight

"The assertion that men are never there for the hard part of childbirth
is patently false, many are there in the room supporting their partner." There is nothing false about this. Men simply cannot be there for the hard part, that is something women have to do for themselves.
Men can be in the room, but the work of it

a midday narc cocktail?..Pot and some wine, not good but hardly a narc cocktail. Certainly not the high Noah was on when he got in his car during last nights episode.

THERE WAS A STORM. I never thought I would defend Noah, and his behavior that night was terrible, but Alison does not know why he was not there. With a storm approaching there could have been any number of very reasonable explanations for his absence. In addition, men are never there for the hard part of child birth

She did not want the baby just before birth and did not want Noah in the room, these reactions are both pretty extreme.

When I think about it, everyone's behavior went way too far tonight. Every vignette was so extreme.

A thought…tonight's episode was in present time. The POV's were removed because the events were neither past nor future. All the main characters came together and experienced THE HURRICANE in real time.

I am sad cause, I love this show! But I have never been able to get anyone to watch it. The cast is sooooooo good. I just don't understand. Loved season One, could not wait for 2, look forward to it every week…then crickets.

" He's essentially used her trauma for his personal gain (both artistic and financial)"…and sexually.

Remember, it is entirely possible that he was never asked that exact question, he just remembers it that way. The question could have been something like…as a man how do you go about writing your female characters? I even see a version where the woman asking the question was being completely sarcastic and it went over

I agree with your assessment of how the DNA evidence will be handled, however I think the big surprise will be that it is indeed Noah's baby.

I laughed harder than Helen at Noah's affirmative action rant. Classic.

Please somebody feed Whitney.

Men with very strong feelings about pregnancy/abortion can choose not to get anyone pregnant.

"That was an epic fight which showed us a lot about olivia and why she's still single and without child" Yes it does, Olivia is single and without a child because SHE WANTS TO BE. That is not a personal flaw, it is a personal choice.

Spoken like someone that will never be pregnant.

Spoken like someone that will never be pregnant.

Of course I am projecting my own experience, and I know that this perspective is unpopular, believe me I lived it. It is hard to explain how oppressive it is, but it is really hard to feel good about yourself in the shadow of a partner that is perceived to do no wrong. It is a subtle passive aggressive action. Alison

This show is just so good, I wish more people watched it.

We are in agreement about Cole. I was with a guy like Cole, everyone thought he was so handsome and so nice and I was so lucky, but he did have a dark side and could be quite oppressive, it was all compounded by the fact that the world thought he was so awesome, I felt so trapped. I have always understood why Alison

Please no Tom Cruise