Emma Knight

I agree with this observation (except I like Whitney). Both parents are under a lot of stress as are the kids. I think everyone in the family is off center and no one in on their best behavior, which is completely understandable. The exaggerated behavior of the kids in this episode serves to highlight the destructive

Please report back, that would be great.

That's what makes Noah such an asshole as their father he is part of the reason they have issues. He continues to take no responsibility for his actions, it amazes me.

That was good. I also liked Jake tossing the extra sauce before Olivia finished her sentence.

I thought the scene with Olivia and Jake over a meal was excellent too.

His son was kidnapped.

Remember that Whitney is portrayed through the eyes of the adults. Her behavior is cartoonish because that is how teenage girls look to adults. Whitney is successful for me a a character because I often agree with her point of view and observations, it is the execution that is annoying.

I am with you on the bed. In my household, the best bedding goes from the oldest to the youngest. Children get the floor.

Badass and super hot. He got even better looking over the break.

Well that was thrilling! I am glad that against my better judgement I did not give up on this show.

I assumed that they lawyer was Helen's divorce lawyer. That is how they know each other and why there was animosity.

You should defiantly watch it. Whether you like it or not, there is no denying that it is indeed an an interesting and thought provoking experiment in storytelling.

"Funny that, in Noah's perspective he threatened to push his
mother-in-law down the stairs, but in Allison's, he calls the
mother-in-law the homicidal one." I loved that one. I also noted that both the men ignore the fact that their actions could me perceived as threatening to a woman in their perspectives.

I like that idea, my interpretation was not as exciting. I read his look as a reveal of his happiness that Noah was going to be properly punished for stealing his wife.

The physical acting was so good, the box looked so clumsy and awkward in Alison's hands, it was painful to watch her maneuver with it.

I grew up in Los Angeles and there are so many amazing women with men like Chet, I find the storyline sadly believable.

Transport to and from the prison is a serious issue for families. Prisons are usually far away, family members travel an average of 2.25 hours each way to visit an incarcerated loved one. Many families do not have cars and if they do it is needed for many members and cannot go missing for the whole day. Bus fare is

I agree. She is beautiful, but it stops there, her acting while not bad is just not at the level of the rest of the cast, which I think is unfortunate for everyone. In the context of the show Rudy Rose is perfect visually, but that is where it ends for me. It is dissapointing for me as one of my favorite things about

I think the most successful thing about this series is that what actually happened does not matter.

I can connect to all of the characters. I think they are a flawed, messy, human. But I understand everyone's perspective.