All I could think of this entire episode is that Don is going to jump like the title sequence.
All I could think of this entire episode is that Don is going to jump like the title sequence.
I have found Hector's character to be riveting, I think that acting is suburb. The fact that he is clearly highly intelligent, yet has still found himself in this hopeless situation really challenges one's perception.
I get really pissed off at this stuff. Why is it not available overseas when there is a market for it? If you have product that people want and you won't give them access to it, then it is problem with your business model not the consumers. The whole industry needs to restructure it's self to work in the CURRENT…
He was on Nashville too, he was good
All the preformances are really so good, it is great to watch. I thought Richard Cabral's (Hector) performance was phenomenal tonight and should not be over looked.
I think Patrick summed up his point of view when he said something like "I am really f*%*ing happy I cheated on him, because if I hadn't we would not be together." I think he expected a different reaction from Patrick.
I am a straight 45 year old woman and I prefer Looking to Togetherness, in fact I have stopped watching Togetherness.
"…prisons are filled with blacks", yes they are and black people are incarcerated at disproportional rates. The incarnation rate is not a reflection on the race of the criminals, but the racism of the system. If a black man and a white man are participating in the same illegal activity, the black man will receive a…
"He is right that black kids are taught not to trust the police." Yes, they are and it is necessary to teach your kids that if you are black, especially your boys, it is literally a matter of life and death. The reason that black children are taught that is because it is true for them. When you are a black American…
I know, but for committing someone to the phyc ward, you do not need next of kin, a parent can sign, so can siblings and adult children.
I completly understand and respect the reviewers conflicts and hesitations with this episode. As they mother of a young black man, it is impossible for me to watch a father in the street sitting over his dead son, without the full weight of the entire history of American injustice flashing before my eyes. I was…
Legally either one of them could have signed the papers. People who have been committed by a loved one usually have extreme anger toward the person who committed them. Lucious wanted that anger directed toward Andre's wife, so he requested that she sign the papers, knowing the consequences she hesitated before signing.
I agree with you.
I agree with you, thought this season was better than season 2 and I re-watched 2 before binge watching 3. I tried to stop myself over the weekend and stretch it out but I could not. I did not hate the ending. Robin Wright was amazing. All the women this season were. I thought it was a fresh and new perspective on…
I thought both were great as well considered and well placed parody. As mentioned somewhere else on this thread, "Money for Nothing" was a great choice for the audience. And "Drip Drop", while being a very, very bad song and video it not worse than a plethora of actual hit songs and videos we have been forced endure…
I agree with you. My 18 year old son and I had a long conversation about this. In the end we agreed that drunken sex can have very negative results for both the man and the woman eventhough the negative results are different. We agreed that both parties take a risk.
I have an 18 year old son, leaving home for university next week. We have had conversations about consent in the past. Last week after I watched the episode, we re-watched the Bay Tank storyline together and had a fantastic 2 hour conversation about the issues it raised. I really enjoy the way the conversation…
Yes, the episodes have been dense. I have watched 1/2 twice and still need to re-watch 3. And still I am not perfectly clear on everything. I am enjoying the density, it is much more rewarding that the usual spoon fed program.
I don't think Fiona's chaotic tendencies came out of nowhere. The self destructive Gallagher gene has always been there. It has been flaring up ever since she tried to have a "normal life" by getting a normal job. The Gallagher's don't know how to do this, there is no road map, Fiona has been bumping around off-road…
I really enjoyed the Lip storyline this week. I loved that he was uncomfortable having the help cook for him. The mothers line "You didn't see that coming" was priceless as was Amanda's smile over the bonding. The Frank storyline did not work for me, just too…I am on the fence about the Fiona marriage, but my gut…