Emma Knight

Thanks for your comment, I have wondered about this myself. Once I even asked this question on a thread for another show. One person was a writer and dissected the script, to prove that the actual script writer was overrated. I kind of understand this answer, but it still feels like wallowing in negativity. It would

Thanks. I was out of the country in 2000 and 2001. I did not know about this one. I have tried to find it online to check it out, but it seems to be missing, DVD's are unavailable too. Many of the reviews are very good. It was network television's first medical drama with a predominantly African American cast. The

I think they used an Ave Maria montage in an arts school for the wedding scene in Newsroom a couple of weeks back? How does that happen?

Good one, I forgot about that, yes I do believe that Lincoln Heights would count. It is classified as a family drama, so not quite "primetime" positioning.

That was almost 30 years ago. Wow, it took 30 years for another one. That is a sad commentary on the state of Black representation in the media.

Does anyone know if this is the first American television drama with a mostly black cast. I remember quite a few sitcoms, but cannot remember one drama. My google search was not very helpful.

I think that the murder and the trailer beating this week are meant to show that Lucious still runs the business like an archetypal old school gangster. I do not believe that the one incident, the murder, will be his undoing as in most gangster story lines it never is. I do however think it sets us up for some

I don't find these characters interesting. I don't want to watch them. I don't care about their point of view.

I am with you, I don't get this show.

I really do not like this show. I want to like it, I like the cast, but these characters really piss me off, overgrown babies. Is this really an accurate representation of some people from this age group? They just seem so foreign and spoiled. I have watched both episodes twice now hoping that I will get it and I

They have never seem a phone with a cord either!

Really? I did not love this review. It has too much recap and not enough review. I just saw the episode and do not need a frame by frame retelling. I prefer poignant observations, identified themes and through lines explored. And yes, the reviewer does that well, but it is such a small % of the review.

I loved this show, just loved it and I am not into MMA. I grew up in LA and lived in Venice for a long time before it became too expensive. It was gratifying to see characters, leading a life, in LA without all of the "Hollywood" lifestyle we have seen time and time again.

First of all you contradicted yourself. You agreed that race does not need to be mentioned to be racist, then stated that Sam did not imply racism because he never mentioned "black" anything.

For the most part, I like your comment, however I disagree with the opening sentence. I don't believe that white people want a "serious conversation about race". In my experience, that is the last thing that they want. To me white people want to talk about race just long enough to determine (by their definition) that

The show did not try to have a serious conversation about race. It accurately portrayed what privileged white people perceive to be a conversation about race. But I have no problem with that it is a show about privileged white people and in the context of the characters and the environment of TGW the writing was spot

Don't forget My Private Idaho.

I loved when Joel showed up with the right coffee for everyone. I was both a simple and a complicated gesture.

I thought the scene with Noah and Max was excellent, just excellent. It is rare to see men discuss these issues on television. This episode had a few scenes that felt completely honest, not warped by memory or perspective shifts. It feels as though we are moving closer to present day. The character accounts feel more

I think it was alluding to Aayan only because of the surrounding protest. Carries real motives did not seem to be defined.