Emma Knight

That song was so awful, half way through the had to turn the sound down. I usually find the bad (as in not good), white-boy rock they use fitting for the show, so I have tolerated it. That one last night was the worst, maybe one of the worst songs I have ever heard.

When they were hugging at the end, I half expected them to start making-out. It took me out of the zone, for a minute and I not get get back.

OK that final song sucked. I think it is one of the worst songs I have ever heard. Other than that I did like this episode minus the cheesy symbolism. I have enjoyed my 7 years with the son's.

I thought it was extremely funny the way Bruce explains how he found out about the affair. I think it is the only laugh-out-loud moment I have had with this show.

My interpretation is that it is not the memories that are warped, but that each character has an entirely different perception of the events. The different memories are just one byproduct of different realities. I am finding this immensely fascinating as a narrative device. While I always knew that this happens all

I felt the same way, at least she missed. I think I would have stopped watching if she had hit her target.

I think he will die on his bike before mayhem because something is wrong with his leg.

Cole's 'it's your problem, you deal with it…was the best, even better that it was said after establishing the person was not from his community…the perfect reaction for the character.

Alison's friend is a not terrible person, just young and naive.

Doctor-"If it happens again see a therapist"

"I like that Noah’s memory is always so self-serving when it comes to his belief he’s a good father." I like it too every time it makes me chuckle a bit. I am so familiar with the concept of a mothers guilt and subsequent projections, it is interesting to see this behavior from a father. Last week it presented itself

Further up this thread jewell1976 explains it beautifully. If that and the 77 up votes she got do not clarify things for you, you will need to come to terms with the fact that you do not understand the complexity of American racism. This is not uncommon for people that do not have to live with it every day.

You don't need to mention race to be racist.

I think accents and how we perceive them is fascinating. I don't actually hear Hunnam's accent in this show, I only recognize it as familiar and soothing. My father is Australian and while I have learned through the observations of others that he has a strong accent, I don't actually hear it. He just sounds like dad.

Thanks for taking the time to respond. I appreciate that you use the show as an intellectual exercise, that makes sense. If it is any help to you I have learned over the years that the most successful artists are usually not the most talented ones. I have never actually figured out why that is, but somehow great

I clocked that scene too. I thought is was a great touch, their reading glasses made me laugh.

There is something about his voice I find very comforting. I lived in London for a long time and the odd hybrid accent he has been using this season appeals to me. Perhaps he is my linguistic tribesman.

I also thought the jazz car chase was an excellent touch.

He certainly did. I thought there were a lot of strong performances tonight. I thought Theo Rossi, Drea de Matteo and Charlie Hunnam brought their A game.

I must be totally jaded. I believe that he is lying to them both and it does not surprise me or make me angry, it seems like normal everyday behavior to me. I know that there are exceptions, but for the most part this is how powerful men behave, in fact Peter is more decent about it then most. I think it is naive to