
So far Malory has been letting the mopes run manage the drugs and watching them suck at it. I hope she starts to engage more with the drug business. They need her to get ruthless.

No that I'm complaining, but how many times has Greendale spun into some freaky self contained society in a matter of days.

Great review. I went from being ambivalent about this movie to excited to see it.

Pick a colour, now a number. Now forward this to EVERYONE you know.

"September 1812, We have captured Moscow. Huzzah for France!"

I was surprised and impressed by his interview with Kanye, who usually comes across as a narcissistic d-bag. Kanye must have been in a good mood or maybe just matured by being a dad but he seemed articulate and personable.

I'm kinda surprised there are no duplicate.

"I want you to want me" Now there's a slogan Joey B. could hang his hat on.

They all look like hideous constipated zombies.

I surprised by R.Kelly and Billy Joel…they weren't outsold by Kanye or Jay-Z respectively?

Do you identify more with Alex Vause?

That's why I'm naming my kids Cocaine Razorblade and Pitbull Shotgun.

I loved this sketch. Kyle Mooney stammering at strangers was funny, but so were the weird answers from people. Like the two guys who start arguing and insulting the other team with Kyle just standing between them.

Oh yeah! Not to mention that Kendrick and Imagine Dragons KILLED IT. That was a great performance.

Men of Steel 2: Broke-Bat Mounting.

Doesn't every bio-major dabble in surgical procedures?

CineCraft is going to lynch us?

I lost it when Allana set of the smoke detector in the dentists office. That was a great bit.

I'd rather have dinner with Scar-Jo's corpse than not at all.

I like that Idea. Jessica Drew certainly has a history with S.H.I.E.L.D. Her parents were experimented on her in utero.