Bobby Bottleservice

Did we listen to the same album? After the Party sounds like what Rented World SHOULD have sounded like; a more matured, cleaner sound while not letting go of the energy of their old releases. Lookers is definitely the best song on here (and one of their best in general,) but Boy Blue, Midwestern States, the title

I'd argue improv has never been seen as cool, even by the people who participate in it (I mean, noticable UCB albums Broad City made an episode about Ilana hooking up with that horrendously unfunny improv guy)

You mean acclaimed actor Cutter Spindell?

Michael Sheen looks like Judd Apatow+Dan Harmon from the side, but Judd Apatow+William H. Macy from the front.

Going from Iliza Shlesinger to Bo Burnham is the greatest rise in quality one headline could possibly have.

Ashram Kitchen's Pruhnked!

I don't think there's a movie I've really wanted to see but really not wanted to see at the exact same time except for this one.

Does anyone remember if Kyle Kinane did the promos for his own stand-up special last year? I'm really hoping he did and I can find some of them somewhere.

I disagree. I hardly even look at the screen except for the intro visual gags, but there are always subtle audio cues right before a joke is about to land and I can get most of them at around a 40% attention level.

As much as I love The Grinder, I sincerely doubt that it'll get renewed. A primetime major-network comedy that's getting an average of less than 2 million viewers a week is dead in the water.

This show and Bob's Burgers are the perfect shows to watch while doing something else. Definitely enjoyable on their own rights but you really don't have to pay that much attention to get the majority of the jokes.

Dexter Holland looks like your "cool" uncle that wears velcro Reeboks and quotes Andy Kaufman's character on Taxi without knowing anything else he ever did.

Sorry, didn't try to imply that YTW was going to get bad anytime soon; season 2 is one of my favorite seasons of TV of 2015. I was just referring to the seeming proto-predecessor Girls going on well past when it needed to.

We could count the "Bonus Bugles" of just Andy, but of course no one does.

This description of Girls makes it feel like a spiritual predecessor to You're the Worst. Except You're The Worst hasn't been around enough yet to stay on for 3 (soon 5) seasons too long.

Hell yes. Another season means more time for me to convince people to join the Gethard cult. I think an hour-long format will definitely improve the awkwardness of the first Fusion season too.

Him talking about that movie/being cut out of it would make for a great episode of I Was(n't) There Too.

I love the very underrated Baron Vaughn and Hampton Yount and are excited to hear them, alongside Patton/Felicia who are always a delight. However, even as a Meltdown fan myself, I find Jonah Ray a human Poochie. I hope he doesn't sour the revival for me.