
She is going to do great things. So young and so talented—and having The Daily Show as her comedy "graduate school"? Damn.

That is not a great look on a man. Is Madonna his personal trainer?

An offshoot of Occupy Wall Street called Rolling Jubilee does this.

You forgot:

No minorities or people of color exist in textbooks—unless they're for criminology courses.


I call it them like I see them. And I can see that you aren't worth more than a handful of insults. If that.

You're a humorless drudge in addition to lacking empathy and you probably think it's all because you are oh, so neutral and above it all. In fact, your autism separates you from those of us who live life fully and who have the ability to make moral decisions and stick to them with conviction.

I can tell you, from experience, that it does.

There was only one Duke Ellington, actually.

Never no Neruda.

Your pretense of neutrality actively harms the actual victims of "alleged" child molesters. And I'm not your fucking mate, friend.

You're completely neutral and yet here you are arguing with someone who supports Dylan. Huh. Funny how that works. You can't be bothered to pick a side? Then you are either a coward or you're on the side of those in power, which in this case is Woody Allen.

You're blinded by your own misogyny. You need to get your head straight.

"And from my two adopted playthings, Dylan and Soon-Yi—oh, wait. We gave these new ones different names, didn't we?"

Guess again.

You keep on fucking that chicken, you misogynistic shit stain.

Also: Did you just upvote one of my comments and then come back with this bullshit? Jesus Fucking Christ. Pick a personality and stick to it, dumbass.

Welcome to rape culture 101, everyone. There is exhibit A.
