
2016 deserves a Wall of Death.

And especially black women, obviously.

Yep. After a day and a half of hot takes, it will be Ghostbu-who?

The Paper was great.

Surprised I haven't seen Spotlight mentioned yet. Best Picture? GTFO. Maybe it was a great newspaper story, but the film was a bore. Bahston Keaton and Aspergery Mark Ruffalo did an hour-long network drama's worth of character acting, whoopdie doo. Not even as good as 'The Paper.'

'White Noise' wasn't my favorite, but I felt like 'Americana' was even worse. Every few dozen pages he'd toss in a sentence that blew my mind, but in general, the pacing, structure, plot were all a snooze.

Watching 'Picnic at Hanging Rock' in a Freshman film class made me want to gouge my eyes out. I died of boredom in the first ten minutes.

The British accents were why I couldn't enjoy the HBO 'Rome' series. They were fucking Italians! Do an accent, ya cunts!

Maroon 5. I guess I'm not technically "supposed" to like them, or be in the "target audience," but the fact that this is a band who I can identify by ear and that I frequently hear playing in public places just astounds and aggravates me. The guy sounds like someone has his balls in a lemon juicer.

But ah cannae even endorse these sentiments as they are at best peripheral tae the moment.

Mates are a waste of fucking time. They are always ready to drag you down tae their level of social, sexual and intellectual mediocrity.

Interesting take. I could never put a pin on why I liked the earlier games more than IV, I guess I attributed it to getting older and being less of a rabble-rouser. Now I can see that leaving out being 'in the empire business' probably had something to do with it.


The 'Arnold's Pizza Shop' Youtube video. Just some dude and his Arnold voice. Can't beat it.

Charlie Murphy's face when he admits that his team got beat by Prince's 'Blouses.' Epic.

Oh, if Onion headlines are game for this investigation, "Black Man Given Nation's Worst Job," and "99% Of Waking Hours Spent Staring at Glowing Rectangles" are easy winners

The death walk didn't make me laugh, but the pillow talk rat-goo story did, and probably will again.

George Carlin, Jammin in New York. "STOP PISSING! WE'RE GOING TO SNEEZE!"

Yep… Since we're being so indulgently realistic by pointing out inaccurate drive times, let's at least get the plot correct, AV Club.

I agree to a point - Trying to keep up with TD2's too many characters and plotlines would hopefully be easier on a second marathon viewing, but I also think that it tried to tell in eight episodes a story that the Wire would have let play out over sixty.