
Kill the Saint of Killers.

I've been saying for years that Alexander Siddig should be Ra's Al Ghul (I honestly think they should've cast him in Arrow), and now having finally had my wish fulfilled he did not disappoint!

I'm not sure the author knows that "Cyrus Gold" is actually Solomon Grundy from the comics… meaning that Butch - or Grundy - is coming back to the show.

This was a Noir season. With saying that Adam Reed and Archer made it clear they were leaning very heavy into the tropes of Noir which are the following:

DEATHSSTROKE. *brap, brap* SLADE FUCKING WILSON *brap, brap*

Bomb a city with spaceships; nobody panics.

Aww… Tatiana Maslany…

I assumed May's turn had to do 100% with children being locked up in the re-education centre and her realizing that SHIELD was saving children.

Also, Oliver was driving on the right hand side of the road which is consistent with North America… plus he was travelling through a forest which suggested to me Pacific North West

Tatiana Maslany of Orphan Black should be the first actor considered for the role.

"He might overtake Slade as my fave."

No, definitely Lawful Evil. His goal was the elimination of corruption by burning everything down, but he still lived and died by a code and strictly adhere'd to it.

Maybe she was more of a tool, an ends to a means? He sees her as a minion working under him?

I *really* hope they acknowledge that Talia has used the Lazarus pit and is like fucking 80. Remember in legends when Sara rejoined the League in the past? Matt Nable makes a point of calling his daughter then TALIA, and it was the 1950s. Just mention or acknowledge it.

I thought his name was Ptolemy… It made sense to me since Ptolemy is responsible for creating the model of the universe in which astrology is based on.

Yeah, I'm using the mathematical application. Going back to first learning it, it was explained that the sign was basically a shark mouth and they would always eat the greater sum.

You have your symbols mixed up homie.

It's been established all the way back in S1 that J'onn is out of practice with his mind reading abilities and he doesn't actively read people's minds or even passively unless there's an absolute need to - that's an invasion of privacy.

You mean it wasn't obvious to you that Eugene was putting on an act in order to infiltrate the saviours?

It requires a bit more intellectual stretching but it could be justified in these ways: