
Good cringe humor makes people who like cringe humor (or find it remotely funny) laugh. It makes people who uncomfortable with cringe humor uncomfortable.

Apparently Zack Handlen and I share the same anxieties. Embarrassing, awkward humor makes me feel physically ill. I usually fast forward if I'm by myself, leave the room if I'm with others, and in the theater I close my eyes and cover my ears… I have been physically unable to watch the UK Office becuase of it. I just

The artist in me calls this a win, but the designer in me says fail. While they're very pretty, it is EXTREMELY tough to figure out what they're about. I mean, I watched the video and guessed about four of them correctly, even though I'd seen every film save one (which was one of the posters I actually got,

So much bitch and snark in one article.

It's not so much that Oregonians are idiots. It's more like almost everyone here has a patina of crazy and the few that don't are just flat out looney.

Just gonna say that @midnight is modeled after British panel shows, not game shows. The points don't matter (why is it so hard for Americans to wrap there brains around this?), the jokes tend to be witty and quick, and the structured, repetitive format is part of the genres appeal. Also, like talk shows, it's an