The Doctor

I actually heard that expression countless times, both in TV/Movies and in real life. People actually say that kind of thing.

Blacklist's way worse. Waaaaay worse.

"except maybe for Alfred"

You're the first one I see that has noticed that. Congratulations.

I think everyone completely missed the point. The Hood's "power" was merely psychological, and criminals are ridiculously superstitious. Also, the kid in the end is not the Joker in any way: I believe that shot of him taking the Hood while no cop was looking merely alluded to the fact that the Red Hood is now a legacy

You clearly never watched Under the Dome.

Besides the pointlessness of Fish's arc and strategies, I am a bit surprised how the fat guy who was arrested for a lineup while in possession of the hood managed to not be processed — and how no reviewer even noticed that. I mean, people are searched when they are taken into custody, yet no cop noticed that the guy