seven fentons in May

well if other people weren't such IDIOTS…

Anybody else read Plato's Meno? This comes up at one point….yeah i'll see myself out


how does one make the acquaintance of otters i want to do that

kinda like "The Bart, The"

also used on The Sopranos IIRC

*Charles Mingus gets angry, loads rifle during filming of documentary*

Meh. Call me when she swallows Padma Lakshmi's chapatti

Goddammit, Bodø gets passed over again!

yeah i was jogging on the campus of Institute for Advanced Study where he had a long-term presence. i'd seen his picture on wikipedia so i recognized him. he had a pronounced haunted/dazed look

one longs for the days when suspected criminals like The Giggler were dispatched swiftly, but by methods entirely proportional and reasonable

wish they'd stick to "ranch"

John Nash stared at me once from a car. A few years before the crash.

badly written/deliberately written

Huh…didn't know that. Weird how when someone gets accused of lewd conduct with a child I tend to assume the worst about them.

I am struggling w/ 2 find a way to get yo amazing #booty backed up 2 ma face can u help me pleaz??

Act now and we'll throw in the all-new ShitBit

you've gotta hear Et Cetera currently my favorite Peter Cetera tribute band

somebody hasn't heard the scorching rendition by the Gypsy Kings

(I'd just like to note here that I disagree with Pinker on some things — for example some of his more recent remarks on the the humanities and their position vis-a-vis the sciences strike me as arrogant and even dickish. but then i study humanities.)