seven fentons in May

C-Mac's a Reese's guy all the way…

George Will's most recent appearance on Colbert wasn't that long ago…

McG, you got anything to say to this guy?

I'm in Miami, Beach!

*Nigel Tufnel voice*
"What's wrong with being a cemetery rapist?"

don't make me do it…

I was getting worried DM wouldn't appear in the comments for this article

"With your limited knowledge of metal you shouldn't even be driving a car!"

I would go a step further. Toys Я Us font should replace Helvetica as the basis for all signage everywhere in the world.

I'd like you to break down the walls of racism, injustice, and oppression

not up my MWAANK (x4)?

according to the the rider, all alters must include at least 1 (one) human sacrifice. if a human sacrifice proves impossible, upon due diligence, to obtain, promoter maybe grant permission, in writing, to substitute the sacrifice of 1 (one) or more house pets

pretty sure this is the greatest poster i've ever seen, anywhere.

um, hey, while we're on this, I have a cookie. and i'm trying to decide what to do with it. should i eat it or what??

you're the worst, Durst

well Vanilla Ice would win the Nobel Prize if they had a "Culture — all around achievement" category

oh shit it took me a while to get this joke, but it was worth it

stop assuming the worst based on the logo. maybe the logo is flattered by your interest and wants to invite you over for a threesome

I head they were Big In Japan (note: I did not actually hear this)

the important thing here is: "Nü" metal with or without the umlaut. I must know this