Well…gotta at least appreciate the, uh,…transparency there.
Well…gotta at least appreciate the, uh,…transparency there.
I was traveling around India and got picked up by a middle-aged dude. I'm a guy, and when you're a solo traveler in India lots of people (almost exclusively men, for cultural reasons) strike up conversations with you. Nothing strange about it. In this case I was sitting on a bench in a public park. This guy was really…
among other things House seems very ahead of its time. it could've been made 10, 15, even 20 years later and it wouldn't have looked dated
Night of The Comet: most '80s movie in existence?
*upvotes, hangs head in shame*
4.6 Latinas
It's not a good day to die.
A Shelby Cross cameo, however, would've been perfect!
Well I'm cautiously optimistic.
"Cinema’s popular choice for the voice of God brings an automatic authority to everything he does, no matter how idiotic."
— Nathan Rabin, The Dissolve
I never took Stone to be all scumbag — he's too close to Naz and too central to the story to make that likely, IMO. This new, high-profile lawyer, on the other hand…not so sure about her.
It leaves me incredulous; but on the other hand…
Shit. Don't know whether to be more cynical about:
—the political process in general
—the AVC's attempts at election coverage
—other commenters' cynicism
—cynicism itself
we do?
off-topic comment:
The funniest part was the guy in line, obviously a repeat offender, who did his best to yell "Assalaamu 'Alaikum" and demanded "the Arab food," all to no avail. Clearly the halal prison food is way better.
"A more recent president from Hollywood lived a fantasy life, lying to himself and the public to make us feel good, while creating an underclass beneath our society and ending the Cold War with the Soviet Union." — John K. Fairbank, China: A New History, 1991
All good guesses. None of them correct. Think Eastern hemisphere, but not Hiroshima.
But it's gonna backfire for Naz & Naz's family, I can feel it. Or at least that's what I think. Crowe's character just isn't likable enough, based on what we've seen so far. And her appeal to pathos — "this would normally cost several 100K, but I'll gladly do it for free. Because I so love my work." That appeal was…