
she also invited Red (put the map in her cooking book because she wasn't in her bunk).

I think Piscatella's motivations are quite clear : they showed that the prisonners he killed previously caught him and his boyfriend when they were cuddling. It's implied that for them, an idylle between a gay inmate and a gay guard (who is playing the tough guy with them) is a treachery that deserve punishment, and

Maybe Cameron would have coold off, but then it's Gordon who prevented that, revealing Donna's move at the worst moment. And when Cam forced the vote, any of the other could have stopped the process with abstention, and asking a new vote later.
Donna overruling move was a reaction to Cameron saying there won't be any

Sure, Cam asked for the vote, not Donna (we don't know if Donna would have provoked it after Gordon told her it was a cruel mistake and that he would not support her), and everybody voted against her. So they were at least 4 people, two of them well aware of the business, who thought it was the right thing to do…

Except the show has established that Donna is exceptionnally gifted too with computers, in her domain Cam's level.
And as for the vision, it's Donna who saw the value of the community through the chatrooms that is now the identity of Mutiny, and fighted against Cam to save it. Also, the new business with trading