
Is it possible that if Bighead becomes the head of Hooli, then Richard would go to be Bighead's tech director?

"I also love how multiple interpretations of Don's plot were perfectly justifiable."

Total scooby doo move. I actually came to read the review to try to remember what her role was. I remember she tried to Bigfoot the investigation. Was she senator? FBI head? And BOY, is Alan Alda going to be mad when he hears of this come sweeps week.

Given Liz's age, if she's an android this could belong to the small wonder universe from the 80s syndicated show. I think the continuity could hold up

Agreed. Part of it was having an arcs to the villains and not just some shark jumpy evildoer like the chemist or the guy who kidnapped the FBI director's daughter, making for unintentional comedy. The first 6 episodes or so fell into some scooby-doo/macgeyver traps. It was nice to see the father daughter plot line

Hmm, the Alan Alda Hail Mary has never come this early in a fledgling NBC series desperate to bring eyes to a prime time slot. 30 Rock, West Wing, ER… I'm sure he was probably a judge on Law and Order LA and I just never saw it.

Idea for a sidebar feature on these early shark-jumping shows: keep a wound/chokeout/beating/bomb survival chart, with recovery times. Also, red's flying time: what, does he have the old Concorde? I don't know if it can thrive on super villains anymore. Sweeps week is coming. It's time for a series regular to be