
Was I the only one that cringed every time Nikki asked for an aspirin? I wanted to shout: "Aspirin is a blood thinner and you have internal injuries! You're going to bleed to death internally!" :-)

Oh, wow, can't believe I missed that: thanks! :-)

OMG, this is so embarrassing, but I totally missed the scene where that happened!!! Would you mind telling me how Cat Grant revealed she knows Kara is Supergirl? :-)

Am doing, and will do, thanks! :-)

Hehe, yeah, sometimes I do wonder if someone is transcribing phonetically, because I've seen some pretty bad transcriptions. :-) However, I'm pretty sure for some shows they go by the script, because I've seen captions for lines that were never actually said in the show (and in shows like "Grimm," where there are a

Well, presumably (hopefully) the A.V. Club reviewer, at whom my comment was addressed, gives at least one fuck —although I bet many readers give some fucks, too. ;-)

Hehe, and I think you're putting too much into the exact quote I mentioned. :-)

Every time I read an A.V. Club review and the reviewer says something like "Lamson, although I’m not sure on the spelling," I wonder: "Why don't they watch the shows with close captioning on?" That way they would be able to know how names and foreign words are spelled. Is it that reviewers only have access to

Yeah, me too! I was hoping Crio would be the traitor —or at least that they had delved a bit more into why the vizier betrayed Everrealm (other than, you know… it being in the "Grand Viziers' Code of Conduct" contract).

I found them: I already read the interview with Sir Ansgard and it was an interesting read. Thanks so much for the tip! :-)

Yeah, I was hoping for some twist with the vizier — I was really hoping they were playing with our foreknowledge that "the grand vizier is always evil" —and the fact that this particular vizier all but had "EVIL" bedazzled onto his cape— to give us a fun twist at the end. Alas, that was a wasted opportunity…

It would be the best thing ever if the A.V. Club interviewed some of the contestants on this show for the "Expert Witness" section: I'd be really interested in seeing how the show worked from the contestants' perspective (how they were treated by the actors when the cameras were off, what they did in their "off time,"