
This review is just hard to take seriously, especially considering a few reviews ago, maybe even the last one, it was discussed how omnipotent Rowan is. Everything about B613 is the worst, but it has been established time after time after time that Rowan cannot be defeated. If they were to defeat B613/Rowan it would

Agreed. The Grant children are never a huge part of the story anyway. We don't hear about any of the children. It's just not what the show is about. But I think they've handled it well so far, especially Mellie's grieving. Who knows how it will effect her as she continues to campaign. I also think they handled

Is it really that weird that Olivia would offer a cabinet position to Sally, especially when the President is a murder, the chief of staff has a hitman on his payroll, and as you noted, almost had his late husband killed? Her craziness is relative, especially considering her successor was the catalyst for starting a

I am so glad to see the terribleness of Quinn and Huck's relationship detailed. It is gross. It is weird. I was uncomfortable when they had sex on the OPA conference table post teeth pulling last season. I am uncomfortable that Quinn cares about Huck and prefers to be around him. I uncomfortable with the idea that

True! I forgot about that. It was Rowan's act of retaliation since Fitz "took" Olivia. Or something weird like that. I also forgot that Jake acting as Command killed James, too. But even with those deaths, it still doesn't really seem like that bad or scary of an organization, and I'm not sure why that is.

I just don't understand the B613 is so terrible within the world of the show. Aside from dealing with members who have defected, they really haven't done anything that egregious.

I appreciate that they're tying up loose ends because I wondered what would come of Huck giving Kim those files. But at the same time, I also really don't care that much because I know it will be resolved in the most nonsensical way.

I give this episode an A-/B+

Empire feels like fan service to me. It's partly why I like it, but partly why I don't think it's that great. And that's fine. It doesn't have to be great because it's consistently entertaining. There are a lot of things that just don't work. Andre's story line in particular is incredibly problematic for me. It's as

The only life that matters in the entire Scandal-verse

Yes! To the entire first paragraph of this review. I would say I'm back on board after waffling and would be even more on board if, as you mentioned, several characters went away, namely Jake who's purpose on the show ran out at the beginning of season three, Mama Pope who should have been kept in the hole, Papa Pope

The only reason I'm enjoying this story line is because of the idea that a woman, particularly of color, is the most valuable, important, and arguably most powerful person in the world, an idea that history tells me is quite the opposite. But even that interpretation feels like a stretch…just like this story line

I've never wanted to hear the words "Previously on Scandal" as much as I did tonight. If any episode needed an information dump before the start of show, it was this one. I am just so completely confused about the VP, Angola, and the connection to Liv. I feel like if bits of it were clarified I would have liked it