The Implication

I thought you said we didn't have any high-priced talent?

Once while working as the editor of a paper we switched the commenting section to require a FB account with the idea that if your name and face were displayed to the world, your contribution would be more civil. Of course all we started seeing were accounts created just for trolling. Lots of profile pics showing

Gary Sinise is pure class. Not only do I love every performance he gives, but what he does for vets is out of this world. Im not saying Tom Hanks didn't deserve best actor but Sinise deserved supporting actor even more.

Who was the first big time river broat grambler? Probably some hunk who said 'Wanna bet?'

Even as an adult I think Kevin's family is complete garbage. Also, I always forget how short Pesci's magical run was. I still think his performance in MCV is one of the best of all time.

Could the entire Beavis and Butthead game for Genesis be considered one level? Because no matter where you were, when you died you went back to the start of the game.

Enough with the chit chat let's get some grub going Garfielf.

Yeah that's pretty awful. A lesson on not commenting with the flu.

Always appreciate the heads up that Fred Armisen is in a video before I click it.

I'm a huge new wave fan, and as such am required to love the Smiths. But when the "Complete" collection was released I was just done. I can't even listen to them anymore. It's not even something I can fully explain. I can take "God Save the Queen" and listen from cover to cover and its great. I still consider "Well I

Saw It Happened One Night for the first time last year and was really taken by how damn good it is.

Definitely did not get the attention it deserved. Stallone did a great job in that movie. And Ray Liotta holding that gun with a cigarette BARELY in his mouth is top shelf.

If they repackaged the blu ray and put "it's a solid disaster flick" on the cover, Id buy it. Ive randomly seen this movie two or three times and totally agree with that assessment.

I don't know how you would classify The Firm, but it came out in 93, too. It doesn't really feel like an action movie, but it feels similar to the Fugitive to me for some reason. Love both movies. They made a ton of good adaptations of Grisham books until The Runaway Jury spoiled the streak.

I try with the Peter Green stuff, then I start feeling phony and put on Mirage for the thousandth time.

I've always preferred Roth to Hagar in Van Halen, but they had some good songs after the switch. I think Van Hagar was just the band following the shifts you saw all over AOR music. Like the difference in Journey from Escape to Frontiers to Raised on Radio.

With the glaring exception of those two albums without Lindsey Buckingham. But yeah, worlds ahead once he and Stevie joined the band.

I've always thought Genesis and Gabriel were both improved by their parting ways.

"Star Wars: I CANT SHAKE EM!"

And 90 percent of Wedding Singer.