Roy K.

That's genius!

Am I the only one that noticed the really DARK joke just after Finn woke up from the dream.To gain immunity to electricity he had to impale himself and as he's about to do it it cuts to him awake driving his empty hand in his chest and he wakes up immune to electricity, meaning… Finn just stabbed himself through the

I see what you did there.

I actually found it to be charming - calling back to simpler times. It still felt like Finn, but it made him seem more sure of his own personality. As opposed to questioning who he is, he's now more assured and so is calmer. I don't think maturity has to be all serious, it's about developing but still staying true to

That's where I have to dis agree with the review. I for one really loved the present day portions, they had a nice balance of seriousness and humour and tied in well to the flashbacks

But BMO has also referred to his/her self as a "her", meaning BMO is what ever he wants… since it is a robot

PB didn't stop believing in magic, she just believes magic is simply complex science, and not something in explicable. And in the end (even though she doesn't admit it) when the cold spell was released PB was speechless and probably didn't have any scientific explanation as to how it happened. And (without direct

She's showed up more than that, around 3 times ( Ocarina, Princesss day, and this episode) but yeah still not enough.