a thompson

It's just a personal thing I waste time on. I don't want it to be a bigger thing.

AVCulb seems to think they can make up surnames in article titles.

"Lots of players won big money by betting on the Sand Snake Tyene to die" if by "big money" you mean $1 for every $5 bet, then yes… the big win was on Olenna in the 15-1 field.

I hope they have commentaries with the writers offering apologies.

This is what happens when Hollywood plays Chicken.

Looked like extras to me. There are some named Freys with uncertain status — Stevron appeared in Season 1 for instance.

That's what you've got to do when you go on vacation without him and you can't get a plane ride back.

Shout Factory previously released three of them on Blu-ray — Reptilicus, Beast of Hollow Mountain, StarCrash. They do good work.

I'm on episode 8. I'd say The Time Travelers is the only one I'd consider good, in spite of all the time it spends on those androids. I bet Stephen King watched it before he wrote "The Langoliers". Land That Time Forgot starts off well but falls apart once they reach the land. Beast of Hollow Mountain has a terrible

This serial is a mess with some memorable moments. Each Doctor has a separate plot going on, and they don't mesh well. Then again, it finally brings back the Doctor's granddaughter, and the Gallifrey mythology is well done. It's a good choice for riffing.

- I have read that F.F. Coppola's One From the Heart had a scene in an airport where he wanted to see an airplane out a window. He bought a real plane and cut it apart to fit it onto the set. Then the scene got cut before release.

"Canada would become the largest country in the world to end marijuana prohibition"
"Canada would end marijuana prohibition before Russia"

I can't believe this is happening. I thought this was another of Burton's "Goes Hawaiian" projects.

That stock photo made them wrong. You put peanut butter on both sides!

Genisys was dumb, but I believe it was laying some good groundwork for its sequels. It's a shame we don't get to see what was being planned.

They're still doing this? Didn't Disney punch some sense into them?

He also tweeted out support for racial profiling of blacks and latinos because he they "commit & are victims of the most crimes". Fuck him.

You might want to mention what show you're talking about when you do these.

Ratings don't fire people, producers do.