
I don't know, I thought J'onn's "Of course I knew, I'm psychic," when Alex came out was pretty great.

Unfortunately, if I were a betting man, my money would be on Travolta in supporting actor because Emmy voters suck.

Although I'd argue that the emotional throughline of Shaun is more effective than in Hot Fuzz.

Ohio is very Midwest. What else would it be? It was a part of the Northwest Territory, the Census Bureau puts it in the Midwest, and culturally it's closer to the Midwest than the Northeast.

I mean, guys, we got a King Shark episode. It's not all bad.

"And also you can't go outside without wearing a disguise (i.e. a baseball cap) because you're a dead supervillain."

It also coincided with the expansion of Berlanti's producing slate and the dilution of his (and I assume others') focus on Arrow.

I can't believe that when I first watched the pilot, he was one of my least favorite parts of the show. Thank God that changed quickly.

I think the Arrowverse is sufficiently expansive at this point that they can easily swap other characters out for Batman, Superman, et al. The bigger issue is that shooting schedules, contracts, budgets, etc. almost certainly mean that most of this will probably be resolved with minimal influence on the other shows.

Yup. This is the guy who's spent his entire 50-issue Justice League writing stories about either 1) superheroes fighting each other or 2) supervillains saving the day from other supervillains who look just like the superheroes. He's also the one who brought back Barry Allen for good, thus rendering Wally West

I think that's more the CW's type than anything else.

Maybe they thought they could trick us by making Flash stupidly dark this year. "See, guys, we're not the only ones moping around!"

Not true at all. The episode referenced in the article aired in 2011. There was a book (a pretty good one I might add) written way back in 2005, and tons of Internet fanfare before that.

I will say that Grant Gustin has played it all really well. It's just that Barry's had a little too much Oliver Queen-style angst going on. Barry on Supergirl was the most fun the character's been all season.

It's like the writers realized that Barry has been THE WORST all season long, and they needed an excuse that wasn't just, "We're kind of incompetent at this whole writing thing."

Before you read too much of Yorke's personal history into the lyrics, recall that a lot of these songs (I think most of them) existed in one form or another for years before his breakup last year.

Yeah, it seems like it's more just not to the reviewer's taste, which is fine. There are plenty of contrarian reviews of Radiohead albums out there, but this isn't one.

So here's the thing about revenue. As Jack points out, people are becoming aware that there is a bubble in startup world, so everybody's trying to let the air out of the bubble a little bit by focusing on "safer" B2B (business to business) business models as opposed to B2C (business to consumer) models.

I think it's more nuanced than marketing before product—it's STOCK before product. Silicon Valley companies don't actually have to sell anything, and when they do, the goal isn't really to make money. They're not like car salesmen, who at some point do actually care about selling cars. The goal is to convince people

Well, yeah, it was an NBC comedy. That was par for the course at the time. But it was also on for seven seasons, and it is undoubtedly the work Fey is most famous for (give or take her Palin impression, and Mean Girls I guess).