

"A negative times a negative is a positive."
"That can't be right."

"I can't think of anything more noble to go to war over than bacon and eggs."

"And Regular Sized Rudy, my fixer upper hall monitor."
"I'll get there!"

"When a mysterious cowboy-slash-Santa says, "Come with me," you climb on that horse and ride." Damn right, Tina.

I was happy to learn Tina and I have the same wish list for Christmas. Girl after my own heart.

Amazon would not make nearly as much money off of me if I had this rule.

I've 100% had the Gene-in-the-kitchen-looking-for-something conversation with my mom . I'm not going to say who was the Gene and who was the Bob.

"This is why we made a no signing up for things when drunk rule." If only I had that rule myself…

It most definitely counts. I just want my conversations with my liquor to reach teaching them about Donna Summers level of awesome. Not my standard ramblings.

I aspire to one day be able to have as great of conversations with inanimate objects as Bob does.

"It's biology not hocus pocus."
"Oh I love that movie!"

I basically just want Andre Braugher to follow me around for the rest of my life yelling "HOT DAMN" anytime something happens to me, good or bad.

"What's your game?" "Boggle." I still laugh out loud at this line every time I rewatch the episode or think of the line—which is about once a week at least.