Really? You looked at "Ramada Inn in space" aesthetic of Next Generation and thought, "too much like Star Wars?
Really? You looked at "Ramada Inn in space" aesthetic of Next Generation and thought, "too much like Star Wars?
Rappin' Jake Sisko or no deal.
Banishment? It not like this was in prime-time lineup and they moved it. They knew they needed show with built-in audience to get people to sign up for streaming service in first place. Show was created to get subscribers to streaming service, and without that raison d'être, there might not be show at all.
Huh. Me had always heard they played same night, but me guess that one of rock legends that got blown out of proportion.
Me on HBO now! Me can say far worse than that!
It not about winning votes of individual coal miners — there not that many of them. It about convincing idiots across country that man who built gold throne to sit on in his gold-plated penthouse at top of Manhattan skyscraper really cares about little guy.
Ugh. Those people will not leave me alone!
It funny, conservatives lionize 1950s, when union membership was at all-time high and top tax bracket paid over 80%. Turn out only thing about '50s conservatives actually like is segregation.
It frankly terrifying how most of his supporters seem to have no strongly-held convictions beside that one thing. "Putin took over government? Ha ha, in your face, libtards!"
And rest of band barely noticed, given that they put on show that night like nothing happened.
In response to that headline, how was first comment not "it can be two things"?
Every single podcast sponsored by Squarespace, who host neo-Nazi web sites. Me have no difficulty believing same people happy to take money from Jet.
Using "pants" as adjective is British Isles' greatest contribution to civilization.
No, he just show up there one day and they not know how to get rid of him. Apple had same problem few years ago.
Me would love to do that, but me not sure me have any block of time that would work for other people. Me basically only free on evenings after kids are in bed on days when me not have freelance work or have gone into diabetic coma from gorging on cookies. So that pretty narrow window of time.
In that case, you should check out Lo-Cal Calozone Zone!
Right. Well-known creator of popular TV show may as well just be any old random jerk!
And Jeff Sessions still not remember that. Hey-oooo!!!!!
Me was just curious to see if it would taste like cookie! You are what you eat!