
That very good insight about sensitive kid. He 9 years old, and still really want affection in ways that most kids that age have outgrown — hugs and kisses, being tucked in at night. It not occur to me that that might be because he not see affection between us. That very interesting idea.

"Refreshingly mutual" sound ideal. And that describe most of past breakups, so if it come to that, me hope there not too much acrimony. Anyway, me going to try talking things over soon. Me also go through thing where me vent to friend, or on this web site, and then pendulum swing other way and me think, okay, things

Wow! Congratulations! All me can tell you is, this is real life change. Wedding? Relationship basically same afterwards but you have less money and more wine glasses. But baby will upend life. Here advice me have for new dad: get up with baby, as often as you can drag self out of bed. It much better to be exhausted

That interesting idea. And "amicable parents" more or less describe current situation anyway. It one important saving grace, both amicable part and parent part.

Yeah, me worry that me romanticize being on own, but reality probably very different. It not like me was great at dating first time around.

That other worry. Bagel Monster in middle school, which seem like peak age for divorce to hit hard, but on other hand he pretty level-headed kid. But Cookie Jr. still in elementary and generally pretty emotional. And in one of those cases where parents' tendencies just reinforce each other, it very hard to get him to

Video aside, that all sounds wonderful. (And depending on how averse you are to blackmail, video could be positive thing too!) Me very glad to hear everything went well, and wish you both happiness and fresh baked goods!

Except woman in porn video being choked not like that. She being paid to pretend she like that. Or being paid to have tears stream down her face to indicate she not like that to get some guy off. Let's not pretend this is fun, consensual relationship being portrayed. It abusive power fantasy being presented to lonely

Me might check that out. Although independence not issue; as it is, me feel like we living mostly separate lives as it is, (or as much as our tiny apartment allows) which is big part of why me unhappy.

Problem is, we not fight much, we just keep things inside and stew. So me not know if things are chilly because she mad at me or just busy with work and not have time. As you can see, talking things through should be easy, but it not come naturally to either of us.

Me do want to try (or at least suggest) marriage counselor first, but both of us skeptical of whole process. Problem not that we not know how to talk about issues — we both have pretty good handle on what issues are. Problem is that both of us would rather put off talking about them.

Dan has brought this up elsewhere, and me wished he had address it here. Fair amount of straight porn is made for (and often by) lonely, frustrated men who resent and even hate women. Which is why there so much porn where women being "abused" or "degraded" for audience benefit. And it sounds like letter-writer's

Me had suggested counseling in past, but she not wanted to delve into relationship problems while also mourning her father and dealing with selling his house, and me respected that. But that probably where me need to pick up conversation again. Big problem me have always had is that it always easier to just keep head

So, this week's theme make it seem like good place to ask this question: how you know when it time to get out?

Somewhere Mike Pence just got massive erection.

“Men need to see there is no bigger turn-on than being in bed with someone who you know is having an absolutely fabulous time because of you.”

Me have not had sex with Mrs. Cookie since January or February (if that, me honestly not remember, it been so long), so six times a week sound someone claiming they ran eight marathons over weekend.

Me not freak out when me was single, but me had hard time making move with someone me just met, or imagining that someone me just met would be interested. Everyone me ever dated was someone me already knew, either through work or as friend-of-friend. So you not actually have to go through physical illness of "dating,"

Me disagree. Me would argue that biggest problem in 2016 was Americans who not able to juggle ideas more complicated than MAGA or "Build Wall".

So, every teenager?