
Or they cast white actress because Rey related to Luke. Let's wait and see whether there plot reason before we chastise movie with black and Latino co-leads for lack of diversity.

Honestly, me shocked they fit two of them into one movie!

Never? Me feel like there multiple movies in this series of films alone with more wasted talent.

There reason Scott Baio spoke at Republican convention: conservatives live and die by Bob Loblaw slogan: "Why should you be punished for crime someone else noticed?"

Most publishers did actually balk at signing neo-Nazi internet troll before Simon & Schuster slithered under that low bar.

Me want to believe few publishers would be as utterly shameless and disgusting as Simon & Schuster.

Me not about to give away cookies to anyone else under any circumstances, but S&S still deserves every bit of shame they did week ago. They were 100% okay with giving truckload of money to bigot who advocate violence against any number of groups of people. Nothing just handwave that away.

That why me keep coming back to that one — it had potential to be best Brosnan movie, maybe one of best in whole series, and execution just not quite there. Robert Carlyle, too — he terrific actor, me have loved him in lots of things, but he not manage to be as menacing as he supposed to be, and his character not

Mitch McConnell's mama so ugly… she gazes into mirror, wondering if she will ever be loved.


This is thing that get me—people want Idris Elba to be Bond; people want Gillian Anderson to be Bond; just make spy movie with Idris Elba and Gillian Anderson as spies! Who not want to go see that movie? You could print money! And you not have to be weighed down by Bond mythos, you can do anything you want!

Me not sure about Swinton — Asian woman as Bond might be too much change too soon.

How has this not already been thing on Archer?

Yes, foreign names are hilarious.

Me know World Not Enough considered one of lesser entries (mostly because of Denise Richards' 'nucular pharmacist' character), but me maintain Sophie Marceau was one of best Bond girls. She make excellent match for Bond — they both damaged enough to understand each other better than most other people can — and her

They seem to have Dark Knight timeline thing going, where first movie is origin story, second movie happen immediately afterwards, and by third movie he over hill and beaten to shit by being on job for so many… weeks? Months? It hard to tell.

Gay Republican? Conservatives hate you. Gay Neo-Nazi? Now you're talkin'!

Never forgot that both CPAC and Simon & Schuster balked at him being pedophile, but were 100% down with him being neo-Nazi who calls for violence against minorities and transpeople. Straw that broke camels back always less interesting to me than all of those straws that didn't.

- Comey was in very possible spot. It would have been easiest thing in world to simply obey federal law and not throw out wild accusations about nonexistent reopening of investigation. But Comey broke law in order to deliberately interfere with election.

Me have outlined ideas for how me wish prequels had gone before, so me not repeat in depth here. But one main thing is, Anakin should be angry. Angry and alone. Abandoned, abused, resentful. And everyone he meet only see him for what he represents. Jedi either see him as potential power or potential threat. Palatine