
"This document legally binding."

300,000 people were taken off voter rolls in Wisconsin, and Trump won state by few thousand votes. You may not think voter suppression affected outcome, but math does.

It still big fucking deal that Russia tried to influence our election, and most likely colluded with Trump campaign to do so. It probably affect outcome less than Comey, and Comey probably affect outcome less than voter suppression, but that not mean it not huge problem.

Remember, kids, when Republican Congress votes for something, it all First Lady's fault, and her fault only!

Apparently Republican party is sharing same delusion, as they openly bragged about voter suppression.

"But keeping the system as it is will only lead to a new Trump down the road every few years."

Good point. Me forgot there are also plenty of left-wing trolls who blame Democrats for everything and apologize up and down for Republicans.

Yes, Mr. Sherman, everything is Obama's fault. You do know that President not personally write every state's voting laws, right? Me love this right-wing troll logic that every bad thing Republicans do is Obama's fault for not stopping them.

Where did me say Clinton did nothing wrong, ever? Point is, when one candidate commits treason, maybe how much time other candidate spent in Rust Belt not big issue we should be wringing hands over.

Clinton did spend large portion of her career fighting for health care and education for poor kids. But other than that, your point is spot-on.

14 states passed voter suppression laws, FBI director broke law to level false accusations against candidate while voting was going on, and Russia colluded with Trump campaign to interfere in election. But, sure, let's blame candidate who got 3 million more votes.

When someone calls for violence against blacks, violence against transgendered people, and then his supporters act on that, then there absolutely threat in words. And that violence what you defending right now.

Role of "John Teti" will be played by Erik Adams.

Call my agent!

It actually terrific way to get together with someone. Because by time you actually hook up, you know each other pretty well. Every woman me have dated was coworker or friend-of-friend me got to know in neutral setting, and was already pretty known quantity. As such, me not have single ex me think, "oy, why me go out

Leviticus also have lots of specific language about food preparation. Leviticus is hygiene book of Bible. It not concerned with damnation, it concerned with people not getting infection. And however you feel about buttsex, it not terribly hygienic. We can just jump into shower afterwards (this is general "we," me not

Post-college, me only ever dated co-workers, and me always made it work, because me dated ex-co-workers. When one of you is leaving job, you have narrow window in which to bust move. If they shoot you down, then you no longer work together and never have to see each other. And if you get together, you not immediately

"Chloe, can you enhance the image?"

Me not feel like you need to explain that you going to see other people after breakup. That what breakup means. It like moving out of apartment and telling landlord, "me going to go live somewhere else now!" They already know that, it kind of comes with moving out of apartment.

Me still astonished that Michico Kakutani was able to read last Harry Potter book overnight and have review posted next day.