14 states passed voter suppression laws since last election. That why black turnout was down. You think they would have rolled back Jim Crow if Bernie had gotten nomination?
14 states passed voter suppression laws since last election. That why black turnout was down. You think they would have rolled back Jim Crow if Bernie had gotten nomination?
That why me really liked Hillary's plan to lower Medicare age. It significant step towards universal health care, using proven success that people already depend on and not want taken away.
A) What wrong with Booker?
Because no one has ever attacked him. It pretty easy to be well-liked when you have safe seat in most liberal state in union and have career comprised solely of symbolic protest votes. First time Bernie have to appeal outside his base, or actually produce results, he would have been in big trouble.
Especially given how Sanders blew off black voters, which is biggest reason he lost primary. Frustrating thing is, Sanders could have won, not because Clinton was terrible candidate, but because Sanders was terrible candidate. He had great message. He got loads of white college students to show up. But he not do what…
Me feel like Elizabeth Warren could have won Obama-level victory. She combine Clinton and Sanders' biggest strengths without having weaknesses of either.
George Wallace… okay, that all me got.
It was very dispiriting to hear far left parroting every Clinton conspiracy theory Rush Limbaugh was peddling 20 years ago.
You both left out "laughably unqualified," "sexual predator," and "probable Russian stooge."
And me love idea of white people saying, "but me have to preserve my pure Scots-Irish-German-Dutch-Czech-probably-some-Native-American-but-who-knows-really heritage!"
Yes, he introduced Tahiti to abstract representation, and syphilis.
Well, when you take neither, you get laughably unqualified Putin stooge. So well done there.
She had musical opinion, you made personal attack. One assholish behavior, one difference of opinion.
Me did read them all. You were one who turned discussion ugly, as you have again and again on this page.
Yes, person who started conversation with "shut the fuck up, asshole" and followed it up with "you're too fucking stupid" isn't one being shithead in this scenario. Well done.
Cookie Jr. calls them "New Phonographers," and me never going to correct him.
You make excellent point. Everyone knows that exposing your kids to art or culture of any kind makes you awful, awful parent.
Did OK Go run over your dog or something?
Carbon copy? One has deep, detailed knowledge of policy and presided over eight years of peace and prosperity, and other is game show host with attention span of angry toddler. Carbon copy? Me will take sleazy-but-effective politician over twice-as-sleazy-and-laughably-unqualified white supremacist game show host…
So me hallucinated that "me like to grab them by pussy" thing? Me feel like it might have made news few times. Or is it difference between consent and assault you consider "make believe"?