They already have that show, it called Game of Thrones.
They already have that show, it called Game of Thrones.
And me felt like all of these showoffy visual effects were just there to fill time. How many bits of dialogue were spoken, then replayed again later in episode? It like they wrote 45-minute episode but needed to pad it out to 90.
But it work in every single episode of Alias!
They very good at throwing out references to mystery stories — if only they went back to writing some.
Me assume they only have him to go hacker with dog because A) Toby was in several original Doyle stories, and B) it give them excuse to introduce hacker.
Me not sure commenters have changed as much as conservatism has. It one thing to say, "me think tax cuts will spur economic growth," and very different thing to say, "me think that racist game show host who loves Putin and grabs women by pussy has lots of good ideas." One much easier to respectfully disagree with.
Yes, because having consensual affair and bragging about sexually assaulting women are exactly same thing. Well done, you piece of garbage.
Fortunately, there still plenty of fiscally-responsible, deficit-reducing, minimal-intervention conservatives out there. We call them Democrats.
That all make sense. And me have seen every movie in series far too many times, and me had trouble following what was going on in opening scenes; it really jump around.
(furiously racks brain trying to come up with E.T. porn parody name)
Me suspect hookup culture like crime, which has gone steadily down for past 25 years, but people *think* is going up because it get talked about more on cable news.
She only other woman in Jedi with speaking part, and film not even give her name. She only have name when action figure came out. Fun fact: Princess Leia only female character in Empire or Jedi given name on screen, and women other than her have something like 66 seconds of dialogue in both movies combined.
♫Climb every mountain, forge every stream, eat up every cookie, 'till you find your dream!♫
Me stand corrected.
It can be two things.
What? Bush and Cheney were liberal elite?
♫You are sixteen, me like cookies, let's go to bak-er-y…♫
Honestly, sci-fi in general had big woman problem in '70s (and every previous decade). Star Wars went long way to rectify that with fearless shit-talking princess who take charge of own rescue and stand up to Darth Vader. Although there no denying rest of series dropped ball in not introducing, say, second female…
Me saw great thing day before yesterday — page from Empire Strikes Back script that Fisher had punched up with own dialogue. Based on that one page (in which she crosses out bunch of unneccessary exposition and scribbles in, "so we just float away with rest of garbage." me would bet lot of that terrific Han-Leia…
Ugh. Just another awful, tragic loss. And after life full of ups and downs, me felt like Fisher was back on top of game in recent years. Her writing as wryly funny as always, she was terrific on Catastrophe — one of favorite things she ever did — and that not even count, Star Wars. When long-retired celebrity die, it…