
Then have me got president for you! Me just got invited by friends to cabin in Poconos few weekends from now so we not have to hear about Trump officially taking office. Me looking forward to spending Inauguration Day like Von Trapp family — fleeing into hills to escape Nazis!

Me never realized Designated Survivor was set in best of all possible timelines until last month.

Oh, not get me wrong, me would prefer we had better prequels to connect to. But at least gratuitous show of Vader and Tarkin looking at beginning of Death Star makes nice lead-in to Rogue now.

In fairness, plenty of folks wanted to vote for Hillary but were prevented by voter suppression laws passed in 14 states.

In fairness, me not think Muslims would line up to vote for vulgar billionaire who want to fuck his daughter.

Yes, there important lesson to Trump's life: be born rich, and it not matter how many times you fuck up, you will literally have entire world handed to you.

That big problem Democrats have. Republicans manage to frame argument as capitalism vs. socialism, when in fact it it Democrats who want capitalism, and Republicans want feudal system.

As horribly sexist as Trump is, even he recognizes that Ivanka got about 90% of brains in that family.

That great way to look at it.

Just use tried-and-true line like, "Did you wash pants with Windex? Because something smells like Windex." Or, "Was your father thief? You just look like someone who was raised by hardened criminal."

Good for you for making time for being creative. Me juggling several writing projects at moment, so me set up spreadsheet to track how many words me write per day, hoping that would be motivating, especially since me just want to curl up into ball and sob into empty box of Thin Mints post-election. So, first few days,

Nixon is their John Holmes!

Or that porn parody of Prince's "Sign O' Times" exist. Me mean, me not actually know that exist, but come on, it must.

And that first response was actually well-thought out and sound advice! Me started to get hopes up!

It not about what being defended. It about what it being defended from. Mediocre movie not deserve sexist hate or racist attacks on Twitter any more than terrific movie does.

Not that shocking. Any web site that lose significant chunk of senior staff going to go through some changes.

If TV network were running mission, absolutely. If NASA running mission and allowing cameras on board, probably not.

Heathy diet of cookies keeping her strong!

Me only know little bit about economics of pop culture web site, but me would guess hiring book reviewers not top financial priority, especially since (based on length of comments section alone), those far from most popular articles on site.

Sadly, celebrity name moves lot of books. Same phenomenon apply in children's publishing, where Ray Romano could half-ass his way through picture book and it would outsell most poetic, thoughtfully illustrated books out there by factor of twenty.