
Imagine you freelancer writer for pop culture web site. You can spend hour listening to album and then write about that, spend two hours watching movie and write about that, or spend week reading book and write about that. Pay is same. Which one would you do least often?

Me read flap copy in bookstore, and although me love Lethem, it made me not want to read book. Whole thing just seem too clever by half.

Me feel like, when we do go to Mars, whether it NASA, China, SpaceX, or some combination thereof, big chunk of mission could be funded by Mars Channel — just 24/7 reality show following Mars mission as it unfold. Me know there would be boring stretch in middle when they just flying through space, but me want to

Right. Million people protested in front of UN, but problem was not enough people showed up. Problem is, protests not work. Liberals lose because we think if our chant has clever enough rhyme, that will fix everyone's problems, and we not bother to do boring, helpful things like vote in local elections.

"If you don't go see this you must hate women!"

You make excellent point. Mainstream media barely mention Clinton's emails, for example. And they certainly not do things like running photography spreads about those bold, fashionable neo-nazis working with Trump. They clearly in tank for Democrats!

There some other pretty good stories. Simone Manuel winning four gold medals for country that not would have allowed her in public swimming pool 50 years ago. Usain Bolt being consistently amazing. Allyson Felix winning three and becoming medal-winningest female track athlete of all time. Nikki Hamblin helping Abbey

Me feel like self-driving cars are going to have monumental impact on economy. Millions of people have jobs that involve driving, and in ten years those jobs will go way of travel agents. If you think middle America upset now, when unemployment going steadily down for 7 years and manufacturing jobs slowly but steadily

It disgraceful how far U.S. News and World Report's standards have slipped! Wait… hang on…

Because he first and foremost media figure. When host of Celebrity Apprentice become president, that pop culture story.

Polls not show voter suppression, which was big factor, probably deciding factor, in this election.

That cruel twist of 2016 for me too. Financially, me and Mrs. Cookie in better shape than we have been for long time. Of course, with game show host in White House, surrounding self with Goldman Sachs executives, me sure we not have to wait long for next economic collapse.

Me feel like it less that site not celebrate 50th anniversary than that Handlen gave us so much good Trek content there not much of franchise left to pick over.

Trekkies just furious that reboots not hold up to high standards set by Insurrection and Nemesis. Not enough singing, dammit!

Grandma Cookie just turned 91 and still in good health. Walks all over town, goes swimming 3 times a week, and still sharp as tack. Living long not issue, it having prolonged end-of-life full of suffering, which can happen at any age after certain point.

Friend of mine posted on Facebook how said it was that 2016 claimed Harry Morgan (Col. Potter from MASH). He died in 2011.

Me have life outside children's television, you know!

Me have been wondering whether Rogue One work at all for someone unfamiliar with Star Wars series, or someone introduced to series in chronological order. Certain conversations (like "your Jedi friend" or who that woman at end is, not make any sense. And me feel like Darth Vader must be baffling if R1 were your

His voice always higher in Star Wars than me remember. It get deeper in Empire and Jedi.

Empire sure love their catwalks and dangerous open pits.