
There really is kernel of terrific story in prequels, buried under mountain of bad writing, bad acting, and bad CGI.

This pesky thing called will of voters. Which apparently not matter in national election, but probably worked against both parties in primary.

Why you think NJ still have Chris Christie as governor? Christie move heaven and earth to make sure his election not at same time as presidential or Senate election, so Obama or Booker voters not bother to show up, and that exactly what happened.

> People are TIRED of "not as bad as a Republican"

Me happy to acknowledge Clinton has flaws. As has everyone who has ever run for President. Both parties have problem of nominating someone because it "their turn" (see also McCain, Bob Dole, Nixon), and those candidates tend to be uninspiring. And yet she came in first by 3 million votes, and in fair election she

Tremendous irony is that we celebrate Christmas how we do in large part because of Dickens and Christmas Carol. He was part of movement in Britain to make Christmas about gift-giving and not drunken debauchery, which was largely successful due to popularity of story.

If only thing aliens come across is recording of CNN, they'll draw obvious conclusion that entire human civilization was wiped out by Clinton's emails.

That good point. Because Obama being elected by groundswell of popular support, and laughably unqualified white supremacist demagogue put into office by voter suppression and interference by hostile foreign power over will of voters are exact same thing!!!

You not see evidence of voter suppression? Time to pull head out of sand.

Continue to lose? They won popular vote in 5 out of 6 elections. Me sick and tired of people criticizing party with majority support, and better record on economy and foreign policy, for having nothing to offer and no way to win.

Widespread voter suppression, direct interference by FBI, and Vladimir Putin all conspired against Democrat, but, yes, let's keep talking about how candidate who got 3 million more votes is shitty candidate and it all her fault. And then take break from blaming Democrat for losing rigged game to criticize Democrats

Me thought same thing! Why you have any reason to go to OKC? Even Kevn Durant left!

When we have sexual predator heading into White House, and running mate who want to ban abortion and electrocute gay teenagers, it pretty hard to separate out sex and politics.

Ugh. This is why me absolutely hate far left sometimes. This has been self-sabotaging stock in trade since '60s. "We going to levitate Pentagon! It'll blow everybody's minds, man!" No, it will make entire left look like bunch of brain-dead idiots and delegitimize movement for generation.

> I think the point is that the democratic party should focus on tangible issues that affect EVERYONE, not just the "marginalized":

> The left lost because it had nothing to offer except an almost Orwellian social movement

They also take long view strategically. They spend decades pouring resources into elections for school board, town council, state legislature, and now they control rules for who can and not vote, they map Congressional districts to their advantage, they able to tilt playing field against Democrats at every level, and

We have Phantom Menace for that!

Pay off as much debt as me can, try and keep peace until me in position to try and resolve things one way or other.

It not been easy. But me not have lot of experience with women before getting married — me lost virginity at 19 and met wife at 23 — so when things drop off after we move in together, me thought maybe that just how it work? Me was dog in "this is fine" meme for so many years, and by time me able to assert that this