
Wow, that terrific. It must be great to have partner who actually listen to what you want and try and make you happy. We have had that conversation multiple times over years, and she always very open to listen and very understanding, and then we might have sex day or two later, but beyond that nothing changes. So

Me was at diner in western PA that had two mind-blowing things. One was beignets, which shocked me because A) they were terrific, and B) it was furthest place from New Orleans, only other place me have had beignets — they not even easy to find in New York. Other was something they called "Smash," which was scrambled

As monster, me can affirm me do put dairy in scrambled eggs, but me use grated cheese, which me not see anyone recommend, but is always terrific.

It is good advice, just not for me. When we were first married, me saw stat that couples with TV in bedroom have less sex, and disparity grows wider as couples get older. They did comparison by age group. Me was in mid 20s and we not have TV in bedroom, but we were in same category as couples over 60 who watch TV

Dubya was our Nero, reading children's book while Rome burned.

Me will refer you to what happened last time we had president who lost popular vote and not paid attention to intelligence briefings. This time me doubt we make it to September without disaster striking.

Sadly, actor from that stoner movie more qualified than anyone in incoming administration, Trump included. Trump especially.

Upvoted for username-comment synergy.

He heard "Urban" and picked only black person he knows.

God bless us, every one!

Mrs. Cookie from Ireland, so she not mind cold. At least not enough to want me to warm her up. Me do really miss single bed me had before we moved in together. It was barely big enough for two people who not on top of each other, which was rarely problem before we moved in together.

Everyone always disappointed to learn it not!

Me can buy that. Whatever he doing in that movie, it certainly not Sammie David Jr.

We have talked about this, to no effect. On bad days me think best advice come from Obi-Wan Kenobi: "May Divorce Be With You."

Me want to rejoin gym and work off some of these cookies. Me want to buckle down and make progress on second novel (even as first one receives modest stream of polite rejection letters from agents). And me want to try and figure out how to do something politically that actually make difference and not just impotent

So, we really not doing 'phrasing' any more?

When me was young monster, we traditionally had Christmas at Grandma & Grandpa's house, and opened all of our presents there. But one year, parents decided to let us open presents from them on Christmas Eve, at home, before we drive down to Grandma's. We got to open presents twice, we had stuff to play with on car

Statewide election too small potatoes for Putin to get involved.

Fact that biggest problem people have on subways is people whose bag take up extra seat might clue you in to fact that subways are incredibly safe and have been for long time. It more important than ever not to buy into Trump's "crime wave" hallucination.

After kids went to bed on election night, Mrs. Cookie and me took break from freaking out to try and figure out how to talk to kids without letting on how scared we were. Big part of putting up brave face is Mr. Rogers' "look for helpers" philosophy, which in this case means reminding selves and others that decent