
Me not hear anyone trying to equate Stein with Johnson — for starters, he actually have experience. But Trump laughably unqualified, openly racist, and have list of scandals as long as your arm… but Clinton had private email server, just like everyone else at State Department since invention of email. So they both

Difference is, Community Party USA is marginalized group of political philosophers most people not realize exist, not infamous terrorist organization with century-long history of murder and intimidation. One of many things me hate about this election cycle is unheard-of levels of false equivalency.

Me not meant in terms of point system, but in all-or-nothing contrast between Heaven and Hell. Christian theology not have Middle Place either (at least not since Pope struck down Limbo).

That is big worry. That 4 more years of manufactured scandals and faux-outrage will be enough to sink Clinton. Because there no way Republicans going to reverse course and repudiate party's racism and fascist tendencies. Me convinced they'll manage to find someone worse. Because if white supremacists can get laughably

Turns out, me spoke too soon — Steam already have it for Mac! But me putting off buying it so me not completely destroy productivity just yet. Me might wait until me go away for Thanksgiving and have some time to spare.

Me thought it was interesting that episode or two ago, we got some genuine rapport between Tahani and Chidi. Me actually felt like they would be better match than any two people we've seen on show.

Even more confusingly, most Filipinos speak Pilipino, which is dialect of Tagalog. Me have no idea why difference in spelling exist, except that when country with multiple overlapping languages get taken over by two separate brutal colonial powers, you end up with big mess.

> Having only two possible rewards (paradise in the Good Place and the worst torment imaginable in the Bad Place, FOREVER) means a lot of people are going to receive disproportionate treatment.

That what she said!

Is there any name with more spellings than Sean/Shawn/Shaun/Shonn/Sian/Chan/Chone (yes, that last one is real; Chone Figgins was utility fielder for Los Angeles Angels Of Los Angeles few years ago)

It does feel tiny bit claustrophobic that only people Michael seems to talk to are our four leads, who only talk to each other. They could have had neighborhood with four people in it and it would essentially be same show.

That was such well-constructed joke. Me love show where you can just step back and appreciate craft that went into making it funny.

Me was thinking Offerman too. But too obvious to go for other Parks alum? Me feel like this show more ambitious than easy fan service, as satisfying as that might be.

Yeah, but you at least get to go outside during hiatus!

Well, they do walk. And their hoods are white. So technically, yes.

If getting endorsement of every single newspaper in America except that one KKK puts out not help Clinton, me not sure GRRM's endorsement really going to make much difference.

Ugh. Inaugural address would go on for six days.

Cleveland? It high time we had third non-consecutive term!!!

You take that back!

You starting to sound like Trump. You do know our cities not actually nightmarish hellscapes, right?