
Honestly, me think big part of it was Reagan striking down Fairness Doctrine. News media had to present even-handed look at both sides of issue, and journalists were interested in facts, professional ethics. Now it perfectly fine to have completely one-sided entertainment-disguised-as-news, to point that that more or

Lot of people thought that way in 2000. They were proven very, very wrong.

Me thought he changed it from Zinglebert Bembleback…

Yes. Yes me do. Republican have proven they have no solutions, no ideas, and no real interest in governing. Obstructing, and whipping up hate among base are only two things they can do. It going to get harder and harder for them to win national election as result, but as long as gerrymandering and SuperPAC money

Yeah, me never worked out what point of religion was in IV, except that pluralistic society could build lots of temples in same city, so me just went for that every time.

Besides playing defensively, V also made it easy for small empire to win. Build 3-4 cities early on, give them good defenses, fortify catapult/cannon/artillery in each, and nobody fuck with you while you cruise to science or culture victory.

Oh, that bad.

Be Cool was terrible, apart from Rock stealing every scene he in.

QT is 52. He could very easily make two more films and be well shy of 60. That pretty young for director to retire, and he seem to love directing and movies in general, so me find it hard to believe he could just walk away.

She did lot with terribly-written role.

It shite being robot!

Me beat self up because signs were there very early on, but me not have lot of success with women as young monster and not have self-confidence to address problems. At same time, me glad we stayed together to have kids. We have two great ones, and co-parenting is part of relationship that works pretty well. But it

Sorry, it was Upshot who take her from 90% to 85%. (86 actually). But if she primed for Obama-Romney victory instead of Reagan-Mondale victory, that still pretty good news for Clinton. Also, me not really buy that 64.9% in first place. It way out of line with every other prediction site. Look at electoral map — Trump

Sure, but he was seen as promising up-and-comer after Attack Block, so he was cast in 24 and Star Wars for similar reasons.

This is terrific assessment of situation, and terrific advice. You just saved me $3000 in therapy!

SJW is just 2010s version of Bush-era America-Hating Liberal Who Hates America.

Me saw something recently where they ask college students how many of their classmates they thought were having sex that weekend. Average answer was 80%. Then they asked if respondent had had sex that weekend. 20% had.

Me feel more like, Nate Silver sees Clinton's chances of winning go from 90% to 85% and runs headline, "things looking bad for Hillary!" so people will keep clicking. Polls not change, or not change that much. It just about stirring up drama based on data that say, essentially, Trump has huge electoral disadvantage

Me can certainly see us being civil and committed coparents if it come to that. Both of us go out of way to avoid drama. So me not actually that worried about that part. Me just not know whether it right thing to do, or when to do it. It very easy to tell self, "well things not that bad," even knowing that how me drag

Me have 2006 MacBook and drive 1997 Camry (both still run great!), so me understand analogy very well.