
Ted reportedly broke up Pharmacists because they not able to afford touring, because bands not make any money.

538 has been most pessimistic web site out there this election cycle. Electoral-Vote.com says polls are within 4%. You can do it, decent human beings from Texas!

Honestly, as absolutely awful Trump is as human being, me surprised and little bit disappointed that that fact is crowding out discussion about how laughably unqualified he is. Zero experience. Very little idea of how government works or what president actually does or how much power president actually exercises. If

It really bother me that SVU has continued to be popular long after Great-Tasting Original Recipe L&O was cancelled. What it say about this country that we have more appetite for SVU's rapey storylines than Sam Waterson's voice breaking with emotion as he makes courageous moral stand?

Me not really need prequel that tell me how factory was built, me just want to eat cookies.

What movie is, really?

Yeah, me was going to make own comment, but that pretty much all that need to be said.

First of all, no cookie recipes. Me was very disappointed.

Me wasn't sure if people would get Game of Thrones reference. That what happen to villain on show right after someone promise his name would be eradicated and forgotten forever.

Well, that why me thought it deserved less dumb name.

And if he happen to get torn apart by his own vicious dogs while chained up in dungeon before that happen, even better.

Well, sure, but that every relationship.

Honestly, me am already giving this advice to 11-year-old Bagel Monster, and trying to make sure he exposed to more than just video games. Fortunately, we visit Mrs. Cookie's family overseas every year, and mine on Monster Island, so that alone give him far bigger range of experiences me had at same age.

Me not sure world needs Larry Sanders with Garry Shandling downgraded to Paul Reiser. But me do like idea of Carson playing self through clips, and that he never involved in backstage antics. That seem true-to-life, and make for interesting twist on setup of show.

But we never really know what kind of ratings Conan would have had, had NBC not cut him off at knees by putting Jay Leno Show on before him. No one in America wanted to watch NBC's 4 solid hours of talk shows.

Me should add to that — column where women give advice to girls came from column where Dan gave advice to boys (he freely admitted he was out of depth where girls were concerned). His advice to boys came from 15-year-old who wrote in wondering how he could get laid. Dan's advice was terrific: You can't. You're 15.

Honestly, me feel like we could improve sex ed in this country several times over if you just included those three things for girls, and taught boys about consent, death grip, and what horrible concept "friend zone" is.

Yeah, he really not doing Democrats any favors by proudly associating there.

Fact that you worry about that happening probably mean it not going to happen. Me pretty sure none of those guys have much self-awareness.

Hell, me had girlfriend who was same age and me felt like age difference was too much because she was still in (grad) school and me was working. We had very different schedules, priorities, etc.