One of best pieces of advice me ever saw on Savage Love not come from Dan (maybe unsurprisingly). He had readers write in with advice for pre-teen girls on how to navigate becoming sexually active. Top three pieces of advice were this:
One of best pieces of advice me ever saw on Savage Love not come from Dan (maybe unsurprisingly). He had readers write in with advice for pre-teen girls on how to navigate becoming sexually active. Top three pieces of advice were this:
To sum up, younger person may be more attractive, but they not have much in common with older person. Which shows you exactly where this guy's priorities are.
Well, it typical, "women always end up with good-looking assholes! Why those fucking bitches not go out with nice guy like me???" just with some ageism thrown in.
Me finally got Giant Days subscription renewed after snafu with Boom! made me miss out on few months worth. Me always impressed that John Allison A) writes teenage girls so well, and B) can write terrific monthly series while also keeping daily web comic going.
Me hope Prince set aside some money in will to hire someone to play J.B.'s "Funky President" every time that kid walks into room.
That pretty much how TV writing works. Matthew Weiner worked on Becker before getting hired by Sopranos and then creating Mad Men. No one starts out by painting Sistine Chapel. You learn craft, get practice, get respect in industry, and only then do you get opportunity to do great work.
Barry Goldwater's wife was on board of Planned Parenthood! It not political issue until Nixon decided he could peel Catholics away from Kennedy if he made it into issue. Same cynical, destructive mindset that brought us Southern Strategy.
Eat cookie, or not eat cookie. There is no try.
Phantom Menace?
He had terrific career after that, just not as filmmaker. THX surround sound and everything he did with ILM had massive impact on movies. Virtually every leap forward in special effects in 80s and 90s had Lucas' fingerprints on it. Every theater in America have digital projector because of George Lucas. (and say what…
So, you're saying that once J.J. Abrams was but learner, but now he is master?
Me was little bit disappointed that she abandoned premise that quickly, although me do like Birbiglia and he was good interview. Maybe it would bother me less if she had done fifty interviews, but it was maybe show number ten, and she already getting away from ground rules. Abandoning thing your show is about is…
Me happy to see Tessa Thompson in this no matter what role she in. And me have to admit, Donald Glover would be pretty terrific casting for Lando.
Yeah, me had lot to deal with when me found self attracted to Zoe Kravitz and then realize me had big crush on her mom when me was young monster.
Sorry, me not mean to be too harsh, but you can't say something you know is obnoxious and then say "no offense intended."
Yep. Bagel Monster just turned 11, Cookie Jr. is 8.
You're an asshole. No offense intended.
Few years ago me was visiting parents, and dusted off old Legos for kids to play with. Most pieces were close to 30 years old, and only thing broken anywhere was chinstrap on space helmet. (and me loved that Benny's helmet was broken in that exact spot in Lego Movie. Such terrific detail.)
So long-running campaign by hacky stand-up comedians was successful!