

Is frustrating to like a show and see it go to hell as quickly as Empire did. I love the show, I enjoyed season 1 a lot, which is why I understand your criticisms. I share most of them, if not all.

But they were PRESENT, so even if they weren't the main focus of the show, you knew they were there, and we, as an audience, had to wait for a while until their plots were resolved. We saw Jamal getting used to Lola and the idea of being a father, we saw Malcom and Cookie flirt before they had sex, we saw Camilla and

Lola was introduced at the end of episode 6 and her plot wasn't resolved until episode 10, Malcom was also introduced in episode 6 and didn't leave until episode 11, Camila was shown with Hakeem at least since episode 3, Hakeem presented her as his girlfriend in episode 8, and Lucious made her leave in episode 10.

The thing is, those plots you mention lasted for more than one episode. They were given some room to breathe and develop in way that didn't feel completely rushed. Empire did have a fast pace last season, but it wasn't burning through plots like is doing now, and the different plotlines were connected because everyone

Last season I couldn't wait to watch Empire, it was an obsession, I'd watch the episodes several times because I loved it that much. Now, I don't give a fuck. The show has so much wasted potential is painful, most of the things included to create tension make zero sense or are just dumb, some of the characters are a

The Laz reveal scene was fucking terrible. Instead of having Cookie become suspicious once Laz starts saying they should change the venue, and maybe sharing her thoughts with Hakeem, which could have lead to him talking about the kidnapping and the tattoos, we have Lucious barging in like a supervillain, monologue