
loved his performance, just thought the writing [and the rest of the acting] was a complete mess

i would argue mathieson has proved himself beyond gaiman [in the context of who], seeing as he was able to produce two seriously great episodes, while nightmare in silver was barely watchable imo [although the doctor's wife is incredible]

the amount clara has improved over the course of series eight is astounding. if someone had told me right after series seven that she would become my favorite nuwho companion, i would've laughed right in their face, but now she's awesome and actually super interesting

this certainly deserves at least an A-; it was super imaginative, well-written and extremely entertaining, as well as a great mix of drama, suspense, and comedy. also, capaldi & coleman continue to be absolutely incredible. the most egregious error, in my mind, was the failure of the production team to keep continuity