
I agree. Once they get together, then what? They live happily as a family? Boring. I like darker sexier Elijah. I have no interest in him being her knight in shining armor.

I think a Tyler/Hayley/Elijah triangle is coming with Klaus thrown in.

That's stupid. It's a show. We don't watch for it to be over in one ep. DUH.
We watch to see the struggles between Klaus/Marcel.

I have NO interesting in Elijah falling for another one of Klaus's used or ignored women. It's stupid and it shows he needs to see a shrink. Tatia/Katherine/CreoleLadyinflashback/Hayley/Elena. It's just OLD.
I'd go for some hate sex between Elijah/Sophie. LOL

Elijah sucked at protecting his family on TVD.
He did nothing after Kohl and Finn's deaths.
It's nice to see him finally stepping up to the plate for his niece.