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    My issue is what is 'his type'?? Sorry, but that woman did not look like Serena Williams, Oprah, Halle Berry, etc…she looked like a beautiful woman. I have 0 idea how people with "any color or shade of brown will do because they are better"-syndrome actually function in this world. It is bizarre.

    Also consider that online dating tends to attract narcissists, who, by all measures, accept society's racist, classist, xenophobic dogma at face value.

    You're a "white" guy, so you look like Cam, Mitchell, Phil and Jay all at the same time? No idea what a "white" guy is supposed to look like. Same with this idea of "black" women…nimrod. State your ethnicity. Leave it at that. If your ancestors chose to intermix and mix breeds, state them all because it isn't my

    What is 'crying racism'? So racism is only what happens at Trump rallies? Fetishization and minority exclusion and microagressions don't qualify becaue someone is not being physically assaulted? Emotional oppression is much more harmful, and being desired by some racist hack because you have more melanin than he does

    It's racist and sickening. One cannot and should not be attracted to a race…as if everyone looks alike and has the same skin color and features within that ostensible group. If one was socialized normally one would be attracted to people that one found attractive, irrespective of background.

    The very premise of this racial construct, furthered by racist people mainly of European descent, is the issue. How can he be into "black" women?? What are black women? Padma Lakshmi is Indian (and Indians also identify as "black"), so is he into South Asian "black" women? Brazilian "black" women? Native American

    THANK YOU! Best comment by far. One has to interrogate why one happens to be attracted to certain traits or phenotypes and not others. A big, heaping helping of racist dogma is definitely one of the root problems. My issue with this episode was that he has a thing for "black women"…as if all women who identify that