
But making them all about women and ignoring/calling men who complain (MRAs or whatnot) is the correct way of proceeding? Interesting.

You going to respond to JacksSmirkingRevenge anytime soon or are you going to leave another

I wish people would address the facts you've given in this post, but everyone (feminazis) just up and leaves.

There are plenty "like Tom Cruise" Tom is plenty?

Justifications for staying fat.

This is so stupid I don't even know where to begin.

She actually received plastic surgery (and so did her sister) during the same time they were shooting the scenes, which puzzled people.

If only Skylar was a man, then it would've been A okay and she wouldn't have been hated at all!

False equivlancies all day long eh?

Both. Though he refuses to acknowledge his own personal vendetta. You don't have to have one singular feeling to do something. People don't think on a singular wave length, we have multiple things on our mind at any given time.

It was her client because she brought them in. It was the history between her and the wife that caught their attention. She practically handed it to whomever she worked for on a golden platter. It's no doubt that she would have work ahead of her and that she may not be as competent as she thinks she is. But those are

He's not a bad man. A bad man is someone who does things for the purpose of being bad.

Guess so. I mean, me disliking Flynn or Ted Beneke must obviously not be sexist cause they're males.

Good bye fool

It's still a freaking comedy. They do not lead as male role models.

So… was Lecter giving Will sausage or lungs?

Your point?

And… there we have it. A solid "no" is enough to answer everything.

This person doesn't see that the standards impose men and women. He thinks it's solely a women issue.