
You don't like proper definitions do you.

If you actually knew what the fuck you were talking about and knew people who actually worked within Hollywood, then maybe you would have an iota of a clue as to what the actual root problems are.

Nope. No they have not. They do not receive the same type of admiration, they will never receive the same type of admiration.

dou·ble stand·ard

Oh you totally won. Which is why I'm gladly sharing these posts.

I'm going to use you and your feed as a prime example of why people hate certain feminists. You're part of the problem/force that taints the name and paints a bad picture for the rest of them.

I'm waiting. Look at the history feed. Oh wait, you won't. You haven't come up with a single rebuttal other than "well then why are there feminists that state this?" that's not a supporting point LMFAO.

Dude, we get it, you're a moron.

It is because it screams "I have problems not them!"

Do you honestly think that men aren't shamed for their bodies or looks or other things that women aren't? People all over the world have it bad, whether they're skinny or fat, black or white, man or woman.

You realize you're like a child right?

If you can't even be bothered to offer a shred of a supporting point(s) then you're all talk.

You're joking right? You think comedy flicks count as romance flicks because they have a touch of romance in them?

You're one to talk about being purposely dense.

You need credible sources for that type of sweeping generalization.

Evil? No, just the bothersome ones. If you actually look at my history feed you can see that you're the *only* person I've "ranted" about. Typical of you to exaggerate though.

Nice assumption. Walt isn't purely good or bad nor is anyone else in the show.

Oh dear lord. Look at my history and look at yours. You'll find no such association, however on yours, its covered on your entire feed. What a troll.

Jesus. This is why people hate feminists. They turn a great show into something about sexism. LOL and you can't even see it for yourself. Victimization at its finest.

I think we've found the white knight.