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    I would encourage you to observe the open sky with a a high powered telescope, day and night, as often as time will permit; attaching recording equipment to the telescope would be optimum; please post links to videos supporting the presence/existence of man-made "orbiting" satellites (not reconnaissance

    Why can't YOU go ahead and try punching every flat earther you come across in the face there, keyboard commando!

    Airline pilots don't ever or continually adjust altitude for any curvature, neither do their auto pilot/instruments; where are all the satellites? Built so perfectly that they never, ever require maintenance; seasons are biblically explained for the telling of times, as they were to be influenced by the greater light

    Please show your curvature experiments from sea level to objects 10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90, and 100 miles out, if you can duplicate a decrease in visibility of 8 inches per mile squared, you will have successfully eradicated the flat earth movement.

    Simple, that the heavens and the earth were not created by the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but by a big bang, and it's not so much the concealing of a flat earth, while flat earthers believe that the earth is a circle, it is not a sphere, and what the governments of the world are really hiding thru military