
Yeah you're totally correct - I actually pulled up the S1 finale on Netflix to confirm, and from the sounds of it Abbie/Kane were on Mecha Station. I must have glazed over on whatever part of S2 where they confirmed that Camp Jaha was being built around Alpha Station (although the wiki - of course there's a wiki

I'm not saying that Anya isn't a cool character on her own. Definitely people deserve to be attached to her if they want to be. She's certainly representative of the "warrior badass" archetype that maybe people are into for scifi - and in a strange way leaving a lot of her past vague helps with that, because it allows

I would definitely suggest the show as a whole, but yeah, Cusick's role is very minimal for the attention he gets for being on the show. I'd watch it more if you're into post-apocalyptic/Sci-Fi settings than because you expect lots of him.
If you do watch, word of advice- commit to at least four episodes to get the

I wouldn't say disrespectful, but I'd love to see it keep growing in audience.

I thought we established last night that balloons signal Grounders to your location and will have to be shot from the sky with infinitely less position-revealing gunfire.

I had the TV turned down low to avoid waking up a baby, but I thought the exposition after Octavia returns and the group splits up was to confirm the arrow WASN'T poisoned? But that they still needed to get Monroe back for help?

Ah ok. Even though it does sound like what you're saying could apply to any character you see in a recurring role vs. a fondness for Monroe as a character, I get your point about liking the back-calling of the show - bringing in people that other shows might have treated as Nameless Character A to a recurring role

What's the attachment to Monroe, besides familiarity? I really don't know anything about the character besides that she's got a pretty decent track record of volunteering, but then not being reliable in the clutch - which, granted she's improved on since We Are Grounders, but only in fits and starts.

Oh yeah, Anya was totally dead without that balloon.

I had been wondering about him last week after rewatching S1 - hadn't been sure if he made it to the ground in one piece or not. So far the "didn't get smeared across the Continental United States" stats for the Ark don't seem very good. It was a good tie in to the past of the Ark, to put those two together as friends

Have you NEVER read The Monkey's Paw!?

I was a little surprised that Anya was the one who got shot, actually. I figured Clarke looked crazy enough that there was going to be an incident, but Anya I'd figured would just lurk at the edge of the woods and escape.

Until I finally watched it earlier this year, I never realized quite how much small-role work the cast of Battlestar Galactica gets.

Personally I think Octavia is going a little too native, too quickly. Was talking about it last week - even if you accept Lincoln has taught her "how to fight" in spaces in between episodes in the first and second seasons, her abilities are out of whack for where you'd expect just from the amount of training she'd

Good episode. Sporadic thoughts:

Can't say I've ever considered Raven & Clarke as a romantic prospect. Be that my own bias of the characters, innate factors of the society we live in, whatever it might be.

Yeah, the MCU is definitely not operating on a direct copy of the comics 'verse. It's a broad blueprint, but the characters aren't completely the same.

I think they've implied that Coulson is worried that Skye could be/is emotionally compromised by Ward. Not necessarily in the "I can save my almost-boyfriend if you just let me talk to him!" way, so much as in the "this guy is a goddamn emotional terrorist who is much better at figuring out a way to get into your head

It's really funny, comparing this SHIELD to Gotham in regards to how they approach their audience - especially in the context of these reviews.

He actually contacted Blizzard to tell them he was, and was brutally rejected.