Robert Palmer

Trump is not a conman. He's actually done a lot of things he promised in his first 100 days.

"we" also invented

first intelligible comment of the day here. But no, I prefer Riptide.

your lies are not as amusing as you think they are

then kill yourself

Pick one technicality in my post and hammer at it. Why can't you respond properly?

you missed the point. try harder.

Colbert is no match for Alex. Am I allowed to have that opinion, or is Colbert suddenly your GOD because he attacks right-wingers?

You might want to look at how Colbert's career developed, and the fact that he's always worked for huge corporations. Not exactly the independent type.

Walt was by far the more deplorable of the two, but Walt was humanized in ways that Chuck never is. We're given nothing to like in Chuck. So even though he's correct about Jimmy, it's easy to hate him rather than Jimmy.

On the other hand, in this world no one knows who you are.

That's an oversimplification.

Do you watch Colbert?

also, he certainly did not outdo Alex Jones. That's a laughable headline to anyone who has actually seen some of Alex Jones' craziest moments.

That's great. I will not be one of them.

dang, for a second I thought it said "Pusher"

Can we get one for Hillary too, with the added feature of muting her annoying voice?

Way too much fluff was added in the show. Just read the book (again).

Well I'm not interested in seeing it now.

Probably will be some gay boy with none of Han Solo's attitude.