
The thing about Sheldon and asexuality always gives me a headache because he always seems to come up in commentaries that often want to simplify things way too much and/or have very specific expectations of who fits in what box. Big Bang might be far from the best television currently on, but I actually feel like they

The thing is Sheldon didn't use to treat Amy horribly when their relationship was more balanced at the beginning. That only started when the writers decided it would be hilarious to have Amy be desperate for all the things *both* she and Sheldon despised before and Sheldon turn into a jackass about it, when their

I don't know about Leonard and Penny just because I think that with a little work on their relationship, I can buy them together. But I always thought Howard and Bernadette, especially given the issue with one of them wanting children and the other not wanting them, were perfect candidates for a reasonable divorce.